"Private" Player Character Records?


Hi All,


Is there a way to allow individual character records to be visible only to the GM and the controlling player? I'm just starting to use OP, but it appears that the only choices are "visible to GM and invisible to all players," or "visible to all players and GM." Ideally, there would be a "public" place to store a characters public persona while hiding his stats, items and abilities from other players while keeping it accessible to the GM and designated player. Thanks for any info!


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    As things stand right this moment, you can have a publicly visible character with some basic information and then hide details inside a GM+[that-player] player secret. This does what you are looking for, but at the cost of not being able to use a DST to track their stats, as those are public. 

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546

    If you choose to upgrade to an Ascendant account here on Obsidian Portal, you can share secrets on each page with individual players. This added capability is specifically what convinced me to become Ascendant a few years back, and I haven't ever regretted it.

    As Kallak said, you can't use DST sheets in this way, but you could build yourself a character form and copy/paste it into each PC's player secret section.

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