Editing NPCs

edited October 2008 in Bug Reports


  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    After a few rounds of "highly scientific" experimentation, I believe I've made a discovery that has not been sufficiently mentioned here:

    Players in a campaign are only able to edit NPCs that are created AFTER they join the campaign.

    I discovered this when Florimel allowed and encouraged me to get other players involved in fleshing out all the NPCs in his tracker. Vahla and I were already players and can edit them all, but we added Rigel a day or two ago and he can only edit the most recently added NPCs.

    I verified this with my own in-development campaign "Stands Alone". I created three NPCs, added Florimel and Vahla and Rigel as players, then created a fourth NPC. That fourth is the only one they are able to edit.

    I'm not sure there WOULD be a real fix for this - I just wanted to share the discovery for the benefit of people who might otherwise have been like me, wanting to have ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING set up ahead of time and then frustrated that they couldn't delegate anything. And, possibly, also for the benefit of people who are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of the idea of their players editing NPCs.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    This is a side-effect of the permissioning system. We're revamping the whole system (a little at a time) to get rid of these strange quirks.

    This is a really good one to know, and I'll add it to the top of the TODO list. It should be the case that as soon as someone joins a campaign, they can edit all the NPCs. I understand that it's not perfect for all campaigns and GMs, but our whole permission scheme is based on trust :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Thanks for the insight! For our part, I've just told Rigel that if he wants to edit any of the NPCs in the Encyclopedia Yggdraversica, to let me know which ones and I'll just delete and re-create them - thus making them editable 'cause they're "younger" than him. Since Florimel "published" a lot of the NPCs with nothing but a picture, it's not exactly time intensive for me to do that. =)
  • sisren
    Posts: 30
    This might be the issue that I saw a while back... in July I think it was.

    "GM/ Player cannot edit NPC in tracker":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/forums/2/topics/448
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I added a fix for this, and we'll roll it out tonight. Essentially, here are the rules:

    * GM can edit any PC/NPC
    * Player can edit any NPC and their own PC

    As an added bonus, we added the ability (finally) to gift a character to another player in your campaign. This should fix the case where the GM creates the campaign and all the PCs, then can't get their players able to edit anything.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Neat! I remember someone asking for that "gift" feature, so even though it wasn't me, thanks for it! =)
  • sisren
    Posts: 30
    This will be most useful.
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