"Viewed by" count


  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    I think that page "viewed" counters (like the forum displays for each thread) would be helpful. As it stands, I have no idea if anyone has even looked at my setting unless they leave a message. So as I put the word out looking for players, I can't tell what kind of response I'm getting. (Lots of views but no messages: campaign is probably not interesting people: revise. Few views: not "advertising" in the right places/way to spark interest to look at the setting.) I know some wiki software can do this (my dev.wiki displays it at the bottom of each page,) but I'm clueless as to what this one can do.
  • Wolvyn
    Posts: 26
    I couldnt tell you, I know ive looked at every single wiki here, some briefly and some intently. I dont much care for 3-4e games as well run a 4e and play in a 3.5e as well as a 2e dnd game. but i love reading about all the other homebrews and other rpg systems.
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    If you're on the CBG any time soon check out Lord Vreeg's "Celtricia" - he's using a skill based homebrew system that he started (IIRC,) back in the 80s.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    bq. I dont much care for 3-4e games...

    What about Pathfinder? :)
  • Doc4
    Posts: 12
    I whole-heartedly second this. So add a +1 view count to this thread. :)
  • Llum
    Posts: 6
    Just want to say thanks for showing me the CBG and I'll third this proposition, I'm just curious if anyone other then me has looked at my wikis.

    Although, would it be possible not not count the GM of the setting or something, because you could be like, cool a bunch of view, but really its just you updating the wiki.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    bq. Although, would it be possible not not count the GM of the setting or something, because you could be like, cool a bunch of view, but really its just you updating the wiki.

    This is pretty much the main reason we haven't messed with this yet. Getting a "real" count of views is actually fairly difficult, because the pages are accessed so much. It's not just the GM, but also random web-crawlers as well. For example, Google is crawling our pages all the time, and it would not be useful to count those as pageviews since it's not a real person.

    Plus, as soon as we add something like this, the next request is, "Can I turn off pageviews for my pages?" These are all legitimate requests, but they take time away from improving some of the core features.

    So, pageview counts are not high on our list. However, we are working on some other features that we think will be more useful in the long run, so stay tuned!
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