looking for help on using Obsidian Portal with A VTT


So I use both Obsidian Portal and Roll20. But I feel like I duplicate a lot of effort...creating NCP in both places, updating documentation in both places, maps in both places. Does any one have an easy way to make the two work together?

I posted on the Roll20 site and I get the whole we "we cannot allow outside content in there platform due to copyright and IP" issue. I am not a lawyer so I guess I have to believe them. But does anyone have any tips or tricks on making this easier...

Roll20 is a great table top for the game....Obsidian Portal is a great site of campaign documentation and history. So I would love to use both together if possible :)



  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    I haven't really played with Roll20 much at all, so I don't know enough to say how to use the two together.  When you create NPCs or documentation on Roll20...are you able to use urls to your OP stuff?  Can you put HTML in there at all?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • CraigSteinhoff
    Posts: 23

    I can link out to NPC which I do now, every time you click something you get popup box about "going to external site" and every link opens in a new window so you end up with a ton of new windows, It is not horrible but I was hoping there might be a way to display the information directly in one of the Roll20 Handouts with out copying it.

    Roll20 does not allow the display of content in there dialog boxes which is the problem. But maybe there is a way to authenticate roll20 and Obsidian Portal so the information could be shared between the two? 

    I was also wondering if people had tips or tricks on using the two together more then just using links

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    If anyone has tips or tricks for using the two together, feel free to share them!

    I did a little research on this and couldn't really find a good solution.  I didn't see anything indicating that they'd be open to authenticating Obsidian Portal.  The only thing that even came close to what you were wanting was if you click on the "popout" button in the upper left hand corner on a handout, it will open in a browser popup window.  Then if you click an external link from there, it just opens it right in the popup and doesn't make you confirm.  But I don't think that gets you what you are wanting (correct me if I'm wrong).

    So let's dig in a little.  Is the reason you want to display the Obsidian Portal NPC directly in the handout because you want to be able to use the "show to players" functionality?

    What if OP had a way to "show to players" from OP.  So the Players could have a tab open for OP and one for Roll20, and you could "show to players" from the OP tab to show them the NPCs and then go back to Roll20 for the battle maps.  That would keep the number of tabs down to just 2 and give you the ability to get all the Players "on the same page" easily.

    Again, I don't really use Roll20, so feel free to correct me on anything I'm not understanding.


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Since people have been asking about running things under current conditions, here's my current setup for running Shadows on ROll20:

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


    The area on the right is the 'playarea' Where I draw maps for combat and such. I have used Roll20's more conventional maps in the beginning, and they look great, but FATE doesn't need that much, so I prefer keeping everything to one screen. It also has a quick use for the group's Character Sheets, and I keep OP open in a second tab as can be seen. Synopsis is written in word as the game goes on and I copy it to OP the next day.

    Thats how I was doing it until we returned to in person play two weeks ago

    and I'll probably use the same setup for the Champions of Light Fate Accelerated campaign I'm prepping to run during the weke on ROll20 and OP after my Shadows campaign ends (igf anyone interested in THAT, see HERE)


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082 edited June 2020

    @Keryth987, thanks for sharing your setup!

    Are you maintaining Character Sheets on both OP and Roll20?  Is there duplicated effort between the two systems?

    Does the "show to players in OP" idea I mentioned above have any usefulness to you for this setup?
    Post edited by thaen on

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Well, as you can see above I had OP open as well. My players maintained their PCS on Roll20 while we used it, and I (was going to) maintain them on OP (my Shadows character sheet looks geat buts a PITA to update)

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    Cool!  Thanks for the insights!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

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