List a character you had a idea for but never created


How about we each list A RPG character we had a great idea for but never created?. Here's mine

It was A Character for A RPG I was thinking of creating but never did and it would have been a hybrid of DAD Edition 3.5 and The Fire Emblem Series

The character would have been the last surviving member of a very large country, at the time he was acknowledged as The Worlds Greatest Sword User and in order to live long enough to avenge his homeland he did a deal with A very-powerful Dark Mage, he got eternal life but his power was reduced from being The Worlds Greatest Sword User to only being those of a very powerful Sword User, they both agreed and he got his immortality but his skills with the sword are a fraction of what they were

But the man that was both the last surviving member of a very large country and was once The Worlds Greatest Sword User had outsmarted The very-powerful Dark Mage that he'd done a deal with, and the reason that he'd outsmarted him was that even though his fighting abilities had been reduced to only(?) being those very powerful Sword User the agreement didn't say that he couldn't train until he was once again acknowledged as The Worlds Greatest Sword User

So he pulled the fast 1 on The very-powerful Dark Mage that he'd done a deal with, it took him almost 6 centuries, but as he had immortality the passage of time didn't bother him and in the end he was once again acknowledged as The Worlds Greatest Sword User

I'll also admit that he wasn't the worlds greatest member of The Fighter Class in The World,  he was only(?) The Worlds Greatest Sword User and their were members of The Fighter Class that were stronger then him, but all those that were better then him used weapons other then Swords

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