Possible Awnser to player private data

edited December 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    This is a possible awnser to the idea of sharing information with only one player. It is bulky and probaly not the best but it would be simple to impliment.

    What does it do?

    In Essence it creats a space that specific players can read but others can not.

    What does it look like?

    In Editing: This would be a text input box or multiple text input boxes, much like the standard text and "GM info" text editing boxes already present. Instead of a name it would have a drop down menu containing the name of players in your game. Once selected any text entered or edited in the box is visible to both that player and the GM. If no text is present then the box is ignored, Much like the GM info box, and nothing is printed. After the initial save creating the player specific info there would be a box dedicated to that player and another with a drop down menu (Deleting all text causes this to go to default). This means that one box would require a DM to edit a page multiple times to give a group of players private information.

    Problems? Possible problems I can see with this system is the shear bulky ness of it. It requires alot of scrolling and clicking just to get information to specific chaacters and leave others out. also there would have to be additional check boxes marked designating entire pages private for those players. THe listing and what not dosent seam like it would be too hard, a series of code to call the list of players and populate the drop down or the array of check boxes.

    THen again I'm not a programer
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