Why risk himself and the end of his family line by getting involved in Olebs Scheme?

edited December 2021 in General Discussion

I had A Pirates of Drinax Dream last night that makes even less sense then A Regular Pirates of Drinax Campaign. I  mean come on The Solo Pc is the son of The Greatest Pirate King that ever lived, he commands over 300 Ships, including 6 Capital Ships, 7 Supply Depots and 3 Very Small Class-B Starports that all have A Shipyard that has A 1,000 Ton Construction Capacity

He also commands The Smallest Mercenary Brigade in all of the Histories of all of the sentinent races of The Traveller Galaxy, by which I mean not just The Human Race or even The Major Races

He also has several billion Cr in cash, a portfolio worth just under Cr 2.6 Billion, a few million tons of cargo, a few hundred million Cr worth of stuff that's either valuables, loot or very rare animals and has several thousand useful belongings

So is their any realistic reason why this guy would risk himself and the end of his family line by getting involved in Olebs Scheme? and do it the hard way at that. I mean if he wanted to get involved in Olebs Scheme I mean why not just conquer all the unaligned worlds in The Reach on Olebs behalf within the 1st year or 2?. Boredom?, doubt it

I mean look at it this way, the guy starts the campaign with enough ships, resources and manpower to conquer conquer all the unaligned worlds in The Reach within the 1st year or 2?, so why doesn't me?. Here's why I remember. Any idea's?

In this dream about The Son of The Greatest ever Pirate King The Son of The Greatest ever Pirate King was A Character I created whilst A Player in Pirates of Drinax

Before you say impossible I’ll point out that no one can control what they dream, which means its not impossible and it did happen

In this 1 I rolled on tables, charts and similar stuff that The GM made that determine The Players Families History, om both sides

In the end thanks to the best luck I’ve evert had 5 of The 26 rolls fairly came up A 100 and of the other 21 rolls none of them came up less then A 24 and only 5 of them came up less then A 35


Here’s what in the dream my character ended up with


I’m writing it as it was shown in the dream

My character is the son of The Greatest Pirate King that ever lived

1 of the rolls on the tables The GM made show that thanks to A Science experiment shortly after his 40th birthday my characters father completely stopped aging

That’s why my characters father was A Pirate for 1,423 years, he never believed he’d ever die, he fell in love with A SS 12 Noble, he didn’t intend to have a child for at least another decade, but its lucky that he was and that is because my character was conceived only a few hours before his father died

My characters father was the greatest Pirate King that ever lived, at the height of his power he command 6,838 Ships that consisted of 5,446 regular ships, 1,089 large Ships that weren’t Capital Ships and 303 Capital Ships

He also had 53 massive bases that were used for hiding, refueling, holding prisoners and stashing stolen cash and/or stolen goods

He even managed to acquire, meaning he didn’t build them, 8 larger then normal Class B Pirate Starports that all have a construction capacity of 1,000 tons

What’s more before the disaster that got him killed and his Armarda wiped out he had invested most of his earnings in A Portfolio worth just over 8.47 Trillion Cr, he had cash worth almost 137.1 billion credits, almost 6 billion in both Valuables and cargo and he had several hundred thousand belongings

Sadly during the final few weeks of his life my characters father got involved in a plot against The Emperor that failed, in fact it was A complete Disaster, as it happens in the dream my characters father was the brains behind it, the mastermind behind it and had it worked he's the 1 that would have been The New Emperor

As powerful as he and The Armarda that he spend well over 14 centuries building were even he and they couldn’t escape the wrath of The Combined Might of Third Imperium’s Entire Army, Entire Marines Corps, Entire Navy, Entire Special Forces and Entire Secret Service and he was dead in less then 20 weeks

Of my characters fathers Armarda by the time The Third Imperium had had enough of semi-mindless slaughter only 348 of his 5,446 regular Ships, only 11 of his 1,089 large Ships that weren’t Capital Ships and only 6 of his 303 Capital Ships survived The Imperiums Wrath

On that subject only 7 of his 53 massive bases that were used for hiding, refueling, holding prisoners and stashing goods survived The Imperiums Wrath

As well as which only 3 of his 8 fairly large sized Class B Pirate Starports that all have a construction capacity of 1,000 tons survived The Imperiums Wrath

Of his fathers fortune my character only(?) got A Portfolio worth Cr 2,621,000,000, less then 1.9 Billion in cash, only a few hundred million in both Valuables and cargo and only a few thousand useful belongings

Because of the rolls I made on tables The GM made The GM decided to base the campaign in a alternate reality in which everything happened 1 Millenium later then it did in the official Traveller Universe

In order to keep everywhere TL as it is in the official Traveller Universe he decided that just like in The Imperium in GW’s 40K rules, laws and regulars mean that in this Traveller Universe The TL of every sentient race is the same as it was 2 Millenium ago

Rolls on tables The GM made in case this happened that will give a plausible way of making sure that the campaigns both fun and challenging show that my character is a bored thrill seeker that craved the thrills, dangers, fun and excitement of life or death situations that most of the time my character will only use The Harrier

Saying that though my character is smart enough to use most of his monthly earnings to ensure that if he ever needed them then as many of his ships would be ready to react as quickly as possible and at least 50 of them would get to him within 1 week

More rolls on more tables The GM made show that because of who his father was my character starts the campaign with roughly 1 and a half times the number of Allies, Contacts, Rivals and Enemies then most Traveller RPG Groups finish A Traveller Campaign with

Rolls show that my characters father earned enough cash to buy himself both 4 very minor noble titles and A SS of 13

The rolls showed that he was both The Greatest Pirate King that ever lived, the greatest of The Pirate Lord of Theev that ever lived and that every past and present Pirate Lord of Theev in the last 43 years hero-worshipped my characters father

The rolls show that almost 1,500 very superstitious Pirates worshipped my characters father as the physical incarnation of The Patron God of Pirates


Post edited by marshalljames1 on


  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235 edited December 2021
    Sorry but this has to be in 2 parts

    Other rolls show that in their very younger days even Darokyn and Margaret Blaine actually asked for and got my characters fathers autograph

    Other rolls show that similar to how several English Myths and Legends says that King Artur will return to save England in its darkest hour several of The Myths and Legends of Theev say that my characters father will return to save Theev in it darkest hour

    Other rolls that show that at the height of his power he had enough ships, resources and followers to simultaneously hold 42 star systems hostage and he actually did so, and he did it 3 times

    Even though if he wanted to my character would never have to do even 1 days work my character he does so for the excitement and my character joined Olebs scheme as a way of amusing himself for a few decades

    Another of the rolls show that 12.8 years before he died my characters father pulled off A massive Bank Job and even today every sentient race in every part of known space officially recognizes it as the biggest successful bank job that was ever successfully pulled off by 1 person

    This netted him Cr 375,050,000, my characters father put this in a trust fund for his son/my character that is worth Cr 375,050,000 that earns his son/my character Cr 2,812,875 a month

    Despite or perhaps because of that it comes with a condition that my character has to use as much of that as possible to fund A Mercenary Army, but my character can't use The Mercenary Force to make money with, rather my character must use The Mercenary Army to protect himself

    In total my character employs A Mercenary Army that consists of 4 Tiny Mercenary Regiments that between them make up the smallest Mercenary Brigade in History

    Taking everything other then his ships into account, meaning not just taking my portfolio into account, means that my character earns at least Cr 4,019,989 a month

    Take away another almost Cr 25,000,000 a month for my new Soldiers and add in the more then Cr 27.2 million a month that my characters Ships make him and that means my character earns at least Cr 6,359,969 a month
    Post edited by marshalljames1 on
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