Who would get the title?, the original 1st born? or the 1 that's technically now the oldest child?

edited March 2022 in General Discussion

I've A idea for The Backstory for A DAD Npc Barons 2 potential Heirs, and their not twins, but I have a question, Who would get the title?, the original 1st born? or the 1 that's technically now the oldest child?

In the idea The Barons oldest child dies and the 2nd oldest becomes heir, The Baron decides to use Resurrection, he choose/had to choose, Resurrection because he knows its the cheapest Resurrection Spell that he has a chance of living long enough to acquire the money needed to pay for it to be cast. restore his original heir, it takes him 8 years, 7 months to get the money but eventually his original heir is resurrected

But theirs a problem, while the technically oldest child has been resurrected and technically he should again be the heir getting the money took his father 8 years, 7 months and because the 2nd oldest child, whose A Girl but the countries not sexist, was originally only 34 months younger she's technically now 69 months older then her now younger brother who was originally older, so who would get the title

Post edited by marshalljames1 on


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    Sounds like the start of a war if neither of the siblings wants to back down ... with other nobles supporting whichever "legitimate heir" they think will most benefit them.

    Unless the kingdom has a specific law for this situation, wouldn't this be something decided by the current ruler?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    Unless already established, it'd probably revert to the original first born.

    But @thaen is right about the likely hood of a serious conflict brewing if the second isn't amenable to it. Not much different than if the 1st had been shipped away to a boarding school for years and the 2nd got used to being the one in charge around the place and hates that the older has comeback to "take away what's mine. They haven't been here!"

    it's really up to how the 2nd feels about it. Are they lazy, did they miss the sibling that much, do they just not want to rule...?

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    I've just remembered something that's completely ruined this idea. Sorry

    The Spell Resurrect has a time limit and once that time limits up the body can't be resurrected and the time limit depends on The Casters Level

    The main problem is that the older child must have been dead at least the 35 months needed for his little sister to potentially inherit

    The Baron can't afford 1 of the higher level Versions that will work on someone that's been dead for at least 35 months

    The final nail in the idea is that either theirs no Cleric alive that can cast A Resurrect Spell that will work on someone that's been dead for at least 35 months or The Baron will never be able to afford to pay A Cleric that can cast A Resurrect Spell that will work on someone that's been dead for at least 35 months 

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