Your thoughts on the horse names I've chosen for A RPG and why I choose them?

edited April 2022 in General Discussion

Can I please your thoughts on the horse names I've chosen for A RPG and why I choose them? and in case anyone's wondering I've decided that it will be very amusing to choose the names of the horse's before I choose The RPG I'll be using

Mist. Called so because her coats the same color as Mist

Sun. Called so because he's got A Sun shaped birthmark on his nose

Moon. Called so because she's got A Moon shaped birthmark on her rump

Emerald. Called so because her eyes are A Emerald Green

Sapphire. Called so because his eyes are A Sapphire Blue

Billy. Called so because he eats like a Billy goat

Luna and Eclipse. Twin girls that were born during A Lunar Eclipse

Rosey. Called so because her eyes are a Rosey Red

Apple. Called so because his coats the same shade of Red as A Apple

Chestnut. Called so because his coats the same shade of Brown as A Chestnut

Starry Eyes. Called so because she's got A Star Shaped Birthmark between her eyes

Lucky. Called so because she's lucky to be alive

Sooty. Called so because he's entirely black

Swift and Speedy. Twin Boy and Gift, Swifts the boy, Speedy's the girl and they were given their names because before the 2 were even 10 days old it was obvious that 1 day the 2 would both be famous for their speed and swiftness

Post edited by marshalljames1 on


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    What are you looking for in terms of thoughts?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    I just want opinions. Can I have some?

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081 edited April 2022

    I think I need more context to form an opinion? 

    For example, if these are the mounts for a horde of Death Knights that will be riding destruction across the continent, then that's going to lead to a different opinion on the names, than say if these are the horses that a small hamlet of Halflings has trained to deliver packages and mail to all the farms within 50 miles.

    Though, I don't know, I might be a bit more scared of a Death Knight that named his horse Cookie ... because that dude should have been laughed out of the group ... but the fact that he's still around probably means he's not to be messed with.

    Post edited by thaen on

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    I've just realized that I forgot to mention that the opinion I want is a opinion on whether or not it was a good idea to give over half of them names based on heir appearances, give several of the others names that are based on a birthmark and give the others names that have nothing to do with their appearances or birthmarks but are still appropriate

    I also haven't decided for definite what RPG System I'm going to use but it definitely won't be any of the 4 editions of Warhammer Roleplay, theirs a high chance that it will be 1 of the editions of DAD, but that doesn't mean it will be, and if it is 1 of the editions of DAD it will definitely be 1st edition

    2 examples of names that are based on heir appearances are that Rosey is called so because her eyes are a Rosey Red and Apple is called so because his coats the same shade of Red as A Apple

    2 examples of names that are based on a birthmark are that Sun is called so because he's got A Sun shaped birthmark on his nose and Moon is called so because she's got A Moon shaped birthmark on her rump

    2 examples of names that have nothing to do with their appearances or birthmarks but are still appropriate are that the twin girls are called Luna and Eclipse because they were born during A Lunar Eclipse

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    I guess I don't see a drawback or benefit to naming by appearance or by situation.  So, no real opinion either way for me.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • marshalljames1
    Posts: 235

    Can I ask Thaen which name he likes the most? and why?, and in case anyone's wandering I'm simply curious as to which name Thaen likes the most? and why?,

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    Ha!  Sure ... probably "Luna and Eclipse" because I think very quickly "Eclipse" would get shortened to the nickname "Lips". 

    So, then it would be "Luna and Lips", for which the alliteration effect is just fantastic. 

    But then the sounds also tickle the brain with the thought of lunch ... "Tuna and Chips". 

    I'm a sucker for puns and word play.  I still think the YouTube videos that @Jynx001 did for his super punny music themed Campaign "Live Free or Die Bard" was vastly underappreciated ...

    Live Free or Die Bard YouTube Videos



    Obsidian Portal Developer

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