2 questions about scenariors regarding love potions in A Harry Potter RPG I'm making


As I'm bored I'm working on A Fan Made Harry Potter RPG, I'm the fan, and I have 2 questions about scenarios love potions in it.  What are your answers?

The scenario in the 1st question is what effects, if any, would A Love Potion have on The Drinker if The Drinker already loved the person that gave him or her the The Love Potion?

The scenario in the 2nd question is if prior to being given A Love Potion the person that's given A Love Potion already has strong romantic feelings for the person that give it to him or her but never revealed them and the love potion is custom made so that when drank the drinker only gets instant minor romantic feelings towards the person that gave him or her the love potion and these feelings gradually increase at a rate that appears both quick and natural, does this result in the drinkers feelings dropping to minor?


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    If you're making up the RPG, then you might have a more interesting game with having an adverse reaction.  So for question 1, if a love potion given to someone already in love with the person giving the potion actually negated the organic love, that is an interesting mechanic that you can use in a storyline to break a couple up (temporarily?).

    For question 2, is the Love Potion going to otherwise affect the person's behavior like lowering inhibitions?  If it only adjusts their attraction to the person (and not their inhibition), and they have already decided to hide their attraction, then it doesn't seem like anything about the Love Potion would change their "hiding strategy" decision, so they might seem to act exactly the same as if they hadn't been given the Love Potion (continue to hide their feelings, organic or magical) ... regardless of whether it drops their feelings to minor or not.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

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