Hello from Albuquerque

edited January 2009 in Player Lounge


  • salcor
    Posts: 1
    I recently found this site, and thought it would be good to run my upcoming Dark Heresy Campaign. It will be interesting though since I don't know anything about wiki coding. Is there a good tutorial anywhere?

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    There's a tutorial about Textile that will show you how to make things display how you want them (more or less). When you go in to edit your wiki page, there will be a link to that tutorial.

    I think the most important thing for which I did not see a tutorial is how to link between pages. You create links by using double brackets. In my example, I will put extraneous space between the double brackets, so bear that in mind if you choose to copy and paste:

    [ [ destination page's title | display text, assuming you want something different ] ]

    Be very careful with the destination page's title if you have already created the page! Among other things, it's case sensitive, so if you've got a page titled "The Town of Kellwood" and you create a link to a page called "the town of kellwood", you won't get what you wanted! If you're trying to link to an existing page, I advise you use the drop-down menu to generate the link for you.

    Be careful also if you use the lazy method of page creation (like I do) and deliberately create links to non-existent pages, knowing that if you click on an "empty" link, you're immediately taken to the "create new page" module. It's a very handy method if you're working on something like a table of contents, since any time you think "hm, I should make that its own page", all you need to do is throw in a few double brackets and you'll be ready to go later. But then whatever you typed in as the destination page's title is going to be it. If you're like me and can't abide pages without proper capitalization or punctuation in the titles, you will probably make yourself sad a couple of times before you get the hang of it.

    Oh, speaking of punctuation...special characters are not allowed in wiki page titles. I think dashes are allowed and that's about it. No apostrophes or commas or exclamation points or anything like that.
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