
edited February 2009 in Player Lounge


  • TheStray7
    Posts: 6
    The Stray here. I'm a DM who found this site thanks to Penny Arcade, and as I had been toying around with putting up a wiki for my game, it just seemed like a good fit. I have a long-running campaign world that has been added to and developed since I started playing in the late 90's, So I have a large amount of material I hope to post over the next few months. The campaign is called "The Rise of The Fallen":, if you feel like checking it out.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Oh wow. All I can say is good luck with that. I didn't even try to archive the campaign that was running when I first found the site, because there would be too much to remember, and that campaign ran for just a shade over a year. Admittedly I was a player and not the GM, but still. The idea of over a decade's worth of material...I'm just really glad I was able to teach Florimel to use his wiki instead of trying to do it all for him. ;)
  • TheStray7
    Posts: 6
    Well, a lot of the work is just refining concepts and changes due to actually gaming. That, and not all those ten years were spent working on the campaign, just that the earliest material was created and the last few campaigns set in this world have expanded, revised, or just retconed the information. Heck, I revised just about the whole cosmology when the 4e preview books came out because it fit better with how I wanted to present the world.

    The wiki building method is actually is helpful in this regard, because the red links I put in one subject beg me, with pleading, teary eyes, to make them blue. It's the Wikipedia Effect, except that I'm the one generating almost all the content.
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