Greetings from Denver!

edited February 2009 in Player Lounge


  • AgentPaper
    Posts: 2
    While I've DMed a bit before, I can't claim to be that experienced, and am currently looking for games I can join to try and learn a thing or two about it. Still, I'm currently working on my own campaign, currently called The Emerald Legion, which will hopefully be starting soon. I'm doing it with Skype and Gametable over the internet since there aren't enough people to do it locally anymore, though if I find a better system than those two I may use it. If you want to join, or have a game I can join in the Denver area or online, I'd love to know!

    I'm currently using 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons for my campaign, but I also know 3.5 rules and am willing to learn pretty much any system to try it once.
  • Tattoo_Bob
    Posts: 7

    I'd love to join yer game. I'm new to the whole thing myself but I'm eager to try it. I got a character, don't know if it's good for your game or not, you decide (and yeah you can just ignore the stats if they don't suit you).

    - Tattoo Bob
  • AgentPaper
    Posts: 2
    Looks like a good fit, but you'll have to change him to 4E, and level 1, unfortunately. Still, there is indeed a somewhat barbaric northern, mountainous people and a southern, more civilized land in the setting, which would serve perfectly as stand-ins for the locations listed in his history. I just realized that I hadn't linked to my campaign on this site in the first post, so here it is for those who don't want to search for it:

    Also note that we're going to be meeting on fridays now instead of saturdays, as it works better for everyone. Our first meetup is planned for this Friday at 6:00pm Mountain Time. Hope to see you there!
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