Hello from Arkansas

edited February 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Mowgli
    Posts: 24
    Wow,this site looks great!

    I've been playing D&D since Jr. High School (coming up on 30 years now). My group started with the 'Blue Box' basic D&D set and have made our way through each incarnation since. I'm the one in my group least likely to DM, but most likely to GM other game systems than D&D - I got my group into Shadowrun (first incarnation), and most recently have run and retired a fantasy genre game using the HERO system.

    Since we're all grown up and almost everyone else has moved away, we play primarily on ENWorld and try to get together once or twice a year for a long weekend. My HERO game ran about three years there.

    I'm developing a Pathfinder RPG game set in the world I made for my HERO game, and came across an ad for OP. Checked it out and have decided to use it for my Pathfinder game (even though it won't be tabletop except for maybe once a year).

    I primarily love the social and creative aspects of gaming - the crunch keeps people honest, but the story and the social interaction is what's important. The best RPG experiences for me are those that have a collaborative atmosphere between GM and players. Everyone's vested in the story because everyone has a part in writing it.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Heh - I've occasionally said that the purpose of dice is to keep people honest about what their characters can and can't do.

    And I think OP will be great for a game like yours because you and your players can come into the wiki and jot things down even if they don't relate directly to what happened in the session. "My" campaign, "The Vale", has some stuff in the adventure log that's cleaned-up concatenations of email exchanges. (One of the PCs has a lot of dreams.)
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