Creating a Character


  • RobLinx
    Posts: 2
    I'm a new DM on this site, and am preparing an adventure for a party that will start soon. I'd like to create my campaign, with PCs and backstory, then spring it on my party. It looks like when I create a PC character, though, I "own" it. Is there any way to transfer that ownership, so that when my players join the site they can assume the role I've created for them?

  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    I'm not sure whether this is a function of being a paying member, but for me it is possible. In my campaign "The Weight of Rubies": I have a "place-holder" for a PC whose player is not on-line. If I click on the character to edit it, way down at the bottom there is a heading for "Change PC Owner" with a drop-down menu under "Give to Other Player" -- that drop-down menu lists all of the members of the campaign. If the player in question ever gets on-line, I will issue an "invitation" to him to join the campaign, and he should then be on that drop-down menu to reassign the character.

    So, assuming you have that option to reassign PCs, you can create the pages, spring the Wiki on your players, get them to sign up for OP, issue them campaign invitations, and then when they join "give" themthe PCs.
  • RobLinx
    Posts: 2
    Aha! There it is! Thank you very much! :-)
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