
edited April 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Wolf
    Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm a relatively new DM, and am planing out about three games for a group at the local hobby/comic/card store. One is a finished game and ready to go once I can get a day at the shop to play, and the other two are a work in progress. Should anyone have any general ideas or suggestions for me, I'd love to hear them.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    The biggest breakthrough I had in building my game was when I finally figured out WHY the bad guy was doing what he was doing. Turns out it's not entirely his fault - okay, it is, but he's pissed off at the world for a *reason* now.

    I'm building in 4E D&D; ideally I'm going to have about five or six different bad guys for levels 1-10, the "main" bad guy for levels 11-20, and then take them into the planes for the rest of it if they choose to go that far. If I've sold them enough on the main plot, they will, but if they don't wanna, I can try and make that the plot of a different game. =)
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