Greetings from central Maryland

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Fersboo
    Posts: 2
    I was first introduced to D&D 30 years ago while visiting the local library near my grandfather's home, located on the edge of Annapolis. The group allowed me to run on of the NPCs as a character and I truly loved it. However, a part of my family didn't believe that a young Christian boy should be playing games that involved magic, demons and such (it was 1979, so I don't blame them for thier misguided concern).

    I played, off and on over the next twelve years, many different settings including Greyhawk (my 2nd fav fantasy), Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Oriental Adventures, Dragonlance, a King Arthurian setting (Palladium?), Robotech, Battletech and Warhammer Fantasy (my fav fantasy setting). I also love wargames and moving pieces around a map with the intention of bringing my enemies to thier knees.

    Between work and college, and then family, I found very little time to get back to playing. I remember purchasing D&D 3e and being disappointed, but found D20Modern and really liking it. However, being new to fatherhood and working a job that required much effort, I never found time to find a group to game with. As my child started to get older, I decided I could now venture back to some of the hobbies I found enjoyment in the past and started to look again.

    I really liked the WHFRP setting and in mid-2007 was looking to get into the minuature side of things as the Baltimore region is just lousy with Games Workshop but there were no role-playing products at the time. I ventured into a hobby store in September 2007 and there was a Battletech match going on and I found out that it was coming back.

    Anyhow, I've started to play Battletech again, I've picked up the old Traveller modules (cheap for $35 for the entire catalog) and have been looking for the d20Future/Past/Apocalypse books at a reasonable price. I play Battletech around a monthly basis, but am looking to start a group a little more locally as I don't want to drive an hour to game. I'm playing around with picking up either WHFRP 2e or Spycraft 2e if I can find someone to game with.


    John aka Fersboo
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi! Welcome to the Portal, and good luck finding a local group! FWIW, my DM has a few groups on - we're no place near you, but you might be able to find some people there.
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