Greetings From Argentina

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Paul_V
    Posts: 1
    Hello to all, I'm Pablo. I'm 19. I've just stumbled upon this site on a google search, and decided to join. Seems like a fun place. Uh, gaming information, let's see. I play D&D 3.5E, WoD (Old and New), D20 Modern, and I dabble in other systems, such as Spycraft, Shadowrun and Paranoia. Unfortunately, I only play Play-by-Post games, since I don't know anyone near my area that enjoys Tabletop RPGs. Most people don't even understand the concept when I explain it to them, go figure. Well, I think that's it. See you around!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi Pablo! Hope the site is useful to you. My friend Florimel has an Ascendant account which gives him forums for all the campaigns he hosts here...I'm still getting used to it, but that may help you with putting together play-by-post games. Hopefully other Ascendants can speak to it.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    You don't even need to be an Ascendant to do this on the site - you just need for your players to be on OP as well, so that they can edit Wiki pages.

    Although my "campaign": is run "live," in that we meet every Tuesday night, my characters have recently split up for a while for their own individual storylines, that are all run by notes/posts. I have a set of Wiki pages that are for "individual character notes": for each player. Each player can log on to OP, go to their page, open it up and add something - I then do the same to add something else. Eventually, it gets peeled off and posted to the Adventure Log.

    For example, "here": "here": and "here.":

    This could also be done with posts by multiple players, it just might require some coordination - a head's up that "Hey, I've got the page right now, don't do anything until I give an all clear." I've been there done that via email and USEnet before, and one such campaign is actuallly now compiled on OP right "here": - players from all over the U.S. and in Australia and New Zealand, etc. Very fun.
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