Justinc The Noob

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Justinc
    Posts: 1
    Well I haven't played much of any RPG my friends have played them for years and there was an open spot in their newest D&D campaign (newest edition) and well I decided to hop in. We play 2 hours a week, and trade off a lot of campaigns so I've never finished a full one :P

    I found this site when searching for the character builder (Cracked) and well that didn't work out so well I found a blog, which was awesome! And I poked around there and it had a whole bunch of cool features. I looked through their tutorials and one of them was for making a campaign on this site so I decided to check it out. So far the site seems cool but a little confusing for me >.<

    I am a Wizard almost all the time, checked out sorcerer and I started missing Wizard. I'm a striker to the extreme!

    I don't get to play much and have enjoyed the game for as much as I get to play it and well I just want to learn more about the game get more involved and maybe join more than one campaign :P

    I don't have internet at my house so I'm not on that often but I'll check in here whenever I can.
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