GM only section on characters.

edited July 2009 in Feature Requests


  • Genesplicer
    Posts: 8
    I know there are GM only sections on the wiki's, but I would like to see on for characters and items that would be vissible only to the GM and the character's/item's author. This would alow GM's to create full write ups for NPC and have them posted, while still keepinmg secret information hidden. Currently, the only way to do that, is to keep the information off the system, which kinda defeats the purpose of having this site as a note keeper, or to create two differant character pages, keeping track of which is anoying. It would also alow them to post the stats on artifacts the PC's have acuired for them to view, while alowing the GM to hold back some special details about the artifact for later discovery without having to separate out his notes.

    With the author able to view this section, it would alow for the keeping of note about private background information, secret abilities or aliances that is only between the GM and the player untill such time as it is discovered in character. Some game systems, such as the Amber diceless sytem, are built around players keeping their character stats and certain background information secretfrom other PC's. This would give the GM and player a way to keep track of hidden character stats and abilities online inbetween sessions by just edditing a page, rather than having to keep a backlog of private message posts in order to archive their discussions on the matter.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    We've been requesting similar features here:
  • krank
    Posts: 16
    Feature request seconded. Almost a deal-breaker as it is, since me and my gaming group enjoy our... secrets. Wouldn't have to be a very big thing, just a "shared secret" area, visible and editable by GM and the owner.
  • Shadizar
    Posts: 3
    Adding my voice to this request; this can be a very handy way to relay secret messages, 'dreams', etc. to a given player
  • Kassious
    Posts: 5
    Hear hear -- who wants to tell others their birth name when they changed it to hide their past for one reason or another?
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    I support this idea. It would be excellent to have a GM/individual player section for exchanging secrets.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Just wanted to note that this has been implemented! Hooray!
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