Setting PC's to only be viewable by the campaign?


  • stepscot
    Posts: 1
    I paid extra on OP simply for the ability to keep my campaign private. However my players all have to have their characters public or we can't see them, even if we are in the same campaign.

    I love the idea of OP as a tool for gaming but have zero desire to share my gaming with the internet at large.

    Is there a way I am unaware of that would allow our gaming group to use OP without the characters being discoverable?
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Don't create them in the character tab. Make wiki pages for them.

    The *ORIGINAL* intent of this site, as I understand it, was precisely so people *could* share their ideas and gain inspiration from each other. That's why characters and items are in separate modules from the wiki and adventure logs. If you want to keep everything in a private package, don't use those modules.
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