New arrival

edited August 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Aldarras
    Posts: 1
    *body falls from above, lands with a THUMP*
    *bewildered looking gamer gets up and glances about*

    Um, hi there! *wave*

    Friend in a homegame rcommended checking this place out to our group, and so here I am---checking it out. *g*

    I'm Aldarras *pointing to nametag*, but I still answer (mostly) given name of Sean. I've played a little bit of pretty much everything, and read or owned even more.

    Currently only playing 4E in a biweekly home game and in weekly RPGA sessions for LFR, but my main list of favorite games would include Champions, Traveller, Arduin, and any earlier edition of D&D/AD&D.

    I live, for now, in Virginia Beach, but spent several gaming years in Hickory and Winston-Salem, NC.
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