Collapsing blogposts doesn't work

edited August 2009 in Bug Reports


  • Roachware
    Posts: 6

    I tied to make the blogposts collapsible, especially for the recaps of older campaigns that I'm moving to OP. However, the collapsing code as per the help forum doesn't work.

    I tried with the regular

    mentioned in the forum, and got a with the more struckthru. I also tried with only one - but that didn't create any effect at all.

    What to do?
  • feydras
    Posts: 9
    Hmmm.. it should work. I think it didn't work for me at first either until i messed with it. Like other things on the site you sometimes have to mess with adding or removing spaces to get it to work. What i do is put this right where i want it to break

    Note the spaces, one right before the , and then for good measure i throw in a line break. Also note there are two hyphens on either side of the word more. Check out our page at

    You can right click on the page and select view source. Then search down the data for the code and just copy and paste that to your own page changing the particulars. That's how i got a lot of the more complex code for mine... shamelessly stolen from other campaigns.

    Hope that helps. Oh, and if you like the campaign please rate it as the GM would love to see it get featured one day.
  • feydras
    Posts: 9
    That code should be x xx x with all the x's removed. Remember to put in the spaces as i said.
  • feydras
    Posts: 9
    Still won't let the code post correctly. Just go to the site like i first suggested and copy my code.
  • Roachware
    Posts: 6
    Thanks for your help, though the page source doesn't show the textile code, only what HTML it gets turned into. But mentioning the spaces set me on the right track.

    No, not _adding_ spaces - they seem quite unnecessary - but removing the spaces I had added between the 'more' and the dashes was what did the trick.
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