

  • Slander
    Posts: 2
    How do I get hyphens to work properly when creating links? I can't find any help on the site and the advanced Textile link is dead. For instance, on this page, the links for thri-kreen and half-giants should have dashes in them as I've just written. When I try to do so, however, the page errors and I see the code. I've left the thri-kreen link this way as an example.

    Please, esteemed users, help a newbie out.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    Wiki pages can't have names with those newfangled contraptions known as punctuation marks. You kids and your wild new inventions, you should be happy with alphanumeric characters. If they were good enough for your grandfather, they should be good enough for you.

    On a more serious note ... The Wiki page will have to be named something _without_ the hyphen in it. For example, thrikeen or halfgiant (or even just half giant). There are two ways to get it to _display_ the way you want when linked on another page. First, you can type it this way (eliminate all spaces _except_ those before and after the pipe):

    [ [ thepagenamewithoutnewfangled marks | displayname ] ]

    For example:

    [ [ halfgiant | half-giant ] ]

    The other way is to just do it as a regular ole hyperlink to the full URL, typed as follows (this time, eliminate _all_ spaces):

    " displayname " : http://yourURLhere
  • Slander
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the input. Reckon I'll have to try those methods. It is exceedingly lame that OP's wiki software can't do hyphens, though. Other wikis I've contributed to can manage them without any problems, which is why this was so baffling to me.
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