Two More Nominations for October

edited September 2010 in Campaign Submissions
Hiya fellow OPites! October is just around the corner and that means Jack-o-lanterns, Capricorns, ghosts, ghouls, and oh yes, two new nominations.

h4. Part I: "Cthulhu Supremus Est":

It all began in an upscale Harlem speakeasy known as the Blue Heaven Ballroom. It was the Summer of 1926, and Mitch Wester and the 5-Stars took center stage in the club's ballroom that night. As Mitch and his band mesmerized crowds with a virtuoso jazz performance, five strangers witnessed the gruesome murder and reanimation of a nervous mob accountant. Little did they know it, but the horror of this event would inexorably bind their disparate lives together and set them on a common path that would end either in heroism, or insanity. This is Franksirmarco's Call of Cthulhu campaign. It is a dark psychological thriller filled with unspeakable horrors that strain the limits of one's sanity.

h5. Campaign Site Highlights

There are several things that I really admire about this campaign site:

* _Cool 20's Monochrome Theme_:
Browsing Cthulhu Supremus Est is like entering a bygone era. From the silver-screen celluloid style campaign banner, to the newspaper headlines that comprise the wiki pages, to the black and white and sepia photos that fill the Characters section, everything just says "Pulp Fiction" era. I am impressed by both the graphics work and the expert use of HTML that has gone into the making of this site.

* _Fantastic Adventure Logs_:
First off, both the player-character back-stories and the adventure logs themselves are well written (for instance, check out "Jonas Markham's Backstory": which is written in a very Lovecraftian voice). The storyline is thoroughly engaging, and you can tell that Frank and his gang have really taken the time to get to know the era that they are playing in. Second, in keeping with the 20's ambiance of the rest of the site, Franksirmarco has used these nifty newspaper templates to create the adventure logs.

* _Nice Player Handouts_:
Franksirmarco has done up some really nice "handouts": for his group. Once again many of them are done using a newspaper template. Others are done up on pseudo-business letterhead or handwritten notes. The thing is, they are all fairly convincing pieces that achieve a real sense of verisimilitude.

* _Interesting Historical Player Aids_:
Besides the handouts, Frank has also taken the time to create wiki-entries detailing life in New York in the 1920's as well as other info on forensics and cults. Once again, this really helps the reader/player get a sense that "you are here".

That said, I think that _Cthulhu Supremus Est_ would make a great Featured Campaign of the Month.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited September 2010
    h4. Part II: "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    Rather than introducing this campaign myself, I'll just go ahead and let Duskreign do so:

    bq). "It is a troubled time for the Old Republic. In a shocking display of wanton violence, DARTH REVAN, the self-appointed Dark Lord of the Sith, has struck the first blow of the Sith War. Armed with a technologically advanced fleet of unknown origins, Revan
    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Hmm, also good examples for us GMs on how to improve our sites! Great stuff!
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Wow, praise from Caesar!

    I really appreciate the write-up, arsheesh. It's really rewarding to have my hard work recognized.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I'm really honored. I can't even begin to describe the goosebumps I get when seeing Arsheesh's description of my campaign. Honestly, FrankSirmarco is on the damn money here. I is the ultimate pat on the back to have someone like Arsheesh recognize and respect my work. In the case of Cthulhu Supremus Est, I believe the praise is more than earned.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Huzzah! I feel honored just to be mentioned as sort of giving Dusk an idea :) I'm absolutely enamored with these two campaigns!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Both campaigns deserve to win, so good luck to both!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    The Cthulhu campaign is visually stunning! How inspiring! You can always tell when GMs put alot of effort into their game. Going to have to read through the logs at a future date.

    Duskreign must just not have to sleep at night or something because I don't know where he gets the time to make these great campaign sites and awesome Squidgirl pictures and songs.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    I am actually a collection of nanites from your hu-mon 22nd century, so I don't need sleep. Only pie.

    And there was NOTHING awesome about that song.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I'm not saying it should get radio play, it was just awesome/hilarious that you made a song.

    Pie-fueld nanites, think I read about that in a recently declassified document...
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    QUICKLY! Re-classify the document! If you don't, they may escape and infest the thread! :P
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    We are the Borg. You will PIEsimilate.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Too late. It's First Contact all over again. Where's Ephraim Cochran when we need him most?
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    ...On a completely related note, I actually got to make a pie-pun in a completely non-forced, natural way, and it got an amazing groan response! My Aunt is having a Lemon Meringue Pie contest tomorrow, and one of the contestants was trying to coerce me into voting for her. I had to tell her, that, unfortunately, I must remain un-PIE-ased. I swear, my fiance almost smacked me up the backside of my head :P
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    To get back on track :P, I think both campaigns are more than deserving of campaign of the month. The both represent great time and effort, and they both have that extra little something, in their own way, to make them stand out above the rest. No way I could choose between the two.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23 edited October 2010
    The Cthulu Supremus Est site is fantastic. Great use of the Herald.

    I too have been overhauling my 4e campaign, "Return of the Lich Queen": to give it a more succinct look, and it is no small effort.

    Congrats to both of these nominees for their hard work.
    Post edited by Grokkit on
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