I should probably introduce myself

edited December 2007 in Player Lounge


  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    After adding nigh a dozen posts in the first hour or so of working with Obsidian Portal I should probably introduce myself.

    I am a longtime game runner, primarily DnD 3.5 but also alot of other systems ranging back to 2nd ed DnD, Cyberpunk 2020, and Paladium's Robotech. Currently I am running an every other week game in a setting of my own design.

    Until recently I have been using Wikispaces to organize my game information but I find the possibilities of OP very exciting.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Welcome to the site. It's nice to see people that aren't afraid to use the forum, since it's really the only way for everyone to get to know one another at the moment.

    I also tried using Wikispaces for my campaign, but I found OP to be infinitely more useful and appealing when it came to accomplishing the same tasks.

    Anyway, please feel free to post some more and jump into some conversations!
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    It definitely seems like an awesome tool. I hope that it's usefulness will outweigh my concerns.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    I'm sure it will. Remember, the site is only in its beta. There are still going to be a lot of little interface changes and new features before it is all finished.
  • AidanDark
    Posts: 56
    Welcome to the madness :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hello! And don't worry too much about having posted a bunch before introducing yourself. I'm sure if the PTB really wanted folks to introduce themselves first, they'd have made this board 2nd on the list instead of 5th. :)
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