Flickr Group

edited July 2010 in General Archive
I've set up a Flickr group for people to post photos from conventions and such. Try to get cool picks with the t-shirts, stickers, etc, etc. Celebrities, cool costumes, and all that jazz.

Here's the group: "":

Post your flickr username and I'll see if I can invite you to the group.

Note, we'll also be cross-posting these to our Facebook page, so I hope you don't mind being in the spotlight for over 2000 people ;)


  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    I sent a join request. My flickr username is MichaelHolland
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Sent one as well, username is h0ts4uc3
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Thanks! Accepted.
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Sorry I haven't uploaded anything yet. I will be getting that done this weekend.
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    I am a dirtbag! I got the box with the mail with the new supplies (MANY THANKS!) and it reminded me that I never uploaded any photos.

    They are there now.
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