Video Embedding

edited October 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm having an issue getting my video to embed on my front page. I've tried both youtube and vimeo, but they won't embed. I changed the code layout of the main page, but I didn't touch the embed code, and it no longer worked. Any tips for getting a problem video to embed?



  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    No idea yet, Gaaran, because I haven't futzed with Video embedding yet... (I honestly wouldn't know where to begin... my video days are a while back, and I can't think of what I would be putting in one for my campaign...)
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23 edited October 2010
    I took a peek at DuskReign's page. I don't know what the Textile code is,

    but this should work (just tested it):

    I looked at your source and its definitely outputting something different. Specifically:

    p ( oembed ). Video

    You sure it just isn't a typo?

    Maybe Duskreign can pipe in.

    EDIT: Actually it looks like your video url doesn't play nice with DuskReign's code either (just tried that too). Maybe Vimeo changed its embedding process?

    Post edited by Grokkit on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    well, i'm not sure if your suggestion helped or what it was grok, but I managed to get it working. I don't know what i did differently, but it works again now, so that's all that matters :).
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23
    Well you switched from Vimeo to Youtube... so that was prolly it. :)
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    well, i started with youtube too, and it wasn't working, one thing i figured out, which is weird, is that if there is no empty line between the line break tag and the embed tags it doesn't work. weird. oh well, it's working now :)
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I'm piping in!

    Too late to help, but, I piped! I piped!
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Hmm, after seeing your most excellent Wyrmshadow video, I'm going to have to do my own! Now where did I put that editing software?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Dawww, thanks, Curu! I look forward to seeing it blow mine away! The toughest part is having the slides change in sync with the music.

    I am actually working on a few more videos, one for every campaign.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Ah, I'm an old hand with syncing to music, haviing done "many an FMV": (mostly for Farscape) - I've got some decent editing software- Mediastudio Pro which makes it easier than using a free editor like virtualdub.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Actually, I remembered YouTube changed the sound on many of those, so you can find the originals "here": as soon as I finish uploading them :)
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Damn stupid dumb ol' Youtubes! I can't wait to see them.

    Curu, if you're that good at the video editing, haps I can hire you to do a video for War is Hell? And by hire, I mean conscript without pay. :P If not, then at least let me send you what I make (when I get around to it) and give me some pointers :)
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Yep, you can hire me by sending me the music you want to use, the images and videos a rough idea on how it is to go together and feedback on how it looks :)

    I've only had one commission before which was a special circumstance - a wedding proposal using the three Star Wars movies. I was paid with a DVD box set! Mind you that was a fair bit of work.

    I have done it professionally as well for the "Picture Australia": video.

    Might be best to put it on dropbox or similar file sharing site rather than email though.

    Also - "my vids": are now all uploaded although I've not yet got rid of some of the duplicates there :)
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