Multiple GMs

edited December 2007 in Feature Requests


  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Something I'd like to see from Obsidian Portal would be the ability to have multiple GMs and even assistant GMs. Some games (such as those run on forums, MU*s, et cetera) have several GMs and assistants. Live action games similarly have GMs and assistant GMs.

    GMs would have GM Wiki posting priviledges, NPC and Item posting privledges, et cetera. Just as in the right hand side each campaign landing page has the GM and the various PCs, a campaign with multiple GMs would list all of the GMs before listing the various PCs. This would seem the easiest of the two requests to implement, but I could be very, very wrong (as I am not a programmer).

    Assistant GMs would have the ability to view everything a GM can view, but would not have editing or posting privledges. Assistant GMs do not have input in the campaign creation and development, but need to know the ins and outs of the campaign to properly adjucate the game.

    These two features would go a take this site to a new level of awesomeness. Thanks for everything done already!
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Well, to be fair, aside from GM Wiki privileges, any member of a campaign can do what you have asked. Any member of a campaign can post items, NPCs, and the like- and as it stands, even non-GM members have editing and posting privileges to any part of the campaign site they can see (except for, I believe, items, which can only be edited by the creator of the item- just like with a PC).

    Personally, while I can see the merits of having multiple GM accounts, I think that having sub-GM accounts that have partial GM powers would be a bit superfluous. Furthermore, based on the way GM status works, having multiples could be a bit confusing.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    _Well, to be fair, aside from GM Wiki privileges, any member of a campaign can do what you have asked._

    That's precisely what I'm asking for.

    _Personally, while I can see the merits of having multiple GM accounts, I think that having sub-GM accounts that have partial GM powers would be a bit superfluous. Furthermore, based on the way GM status works, having multiples could be a bit confusing._

    Sub-GM accounts would be useful, but you are correct we would need a way to prevent confusion between player, sub-GM, and GM statuses.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Rather than beating around the bush, I'll just be blunt. I don't see this one coming any time soon. Call me old-fashioned, but we're really only planning to support 1-GM games. Adding new roles to the system is actually one of the hardest things to do. You have to worry about "can this person see this page?", "can they edit this other page?" and so on. Further, it gets very confusing from a user's standpoint. Not everyone (myself included) takes the time to read the help or explanation text, and so something like "sub-GM" might make no sense. For a good example, can you explain the difference between "public" and "visible" on the character / item pages? Whenever I look at those, I cringe at how opaque and unhelpful they are...

    One other thing to note: most of the site's functionality is based around the idea of intra-group trust. That's why any player can add and edit NPCs, wiki pages, and so forth, instead of just the GM. The basic idea is that if you cannot trust someone not to intentionally muck up your OP campaign, then you probably shouldn't be playing with them in the first place. Heck, from what I've heard from several GMs around here, they would kill to have their players be a little more proactive about editing and such. I know I would...

    Still, it's a good suggestion, and thanks for bringing it up. I'm often amazed at what sort of organization structures other campaigns come up with.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    _Rather than beating around the bush, I’ll just be blunt. I don’t see this one coming any time soon. Call me old-fashioned, but we’re really only planning to support 1-GM games._

    Ignoring the whole sub-GM thing, is multiple GMs really any different a role than single GMs. If it is, I understand the reluctance. You folks have to draw a line somewhere, and that is where you've chosen.

    However, what's to stop users from creating shared accounts for games that use multiple GMs? I'd think you'd rather track unique users. Multiple GM games are likely to just create separate accounts for the multiple GMs, sharing the password among them. OP will see only one GM, while the game will in rl have multiple. In fact, it was wandering this site and finding at least two games that look like they're set up in such a way that prompted this thread in the first place.
  • AidanDark
    Posts: 56
    Wouldn't a shared GM account be a better, simpler idea to begin with? I mean obviously you have to trust someone to let them co-GM.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    bq. That’s why any player can add and edit NPCs, wiki pages, and so forth, instead of just the GM.

    I can't seem to do this. I have been wanting to edit the NPCs for the game I am in charge of (but not the GM of), and it won't let me do it. How does a regular player edit NPCs? I have been staring at these NPCs that my DM doesn't have time to update.. and I would LOVE to update them, but I can't seem to find any way to do it. Thanks!

    Edit: I've noticed that some NPCs in a different game I'm in can be edited, but the ones in the Sins of the Father game can't. Is that some sort of permission issue?

    I think what I might do is delete the NPCs and remake them since I can oddly enough remove any NPC but I can't edit them... Sadly that will make me have to go through and change all the links in the wikis... ugh. I'll have to think about it.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    bq. I think what I might do is delete the NPCs and remake them since I can oddly enough remove any NPC but I can’t edit them… Sadly that will make me have to go through and change all the links in the wikis… ugh. I’ll have to think about it.

    You'd only have to do that if the links use the original OP number for the character. If your links are URL-friendly names, then just reuse the same URL-friendly name on the new version of the NPC as the old version. The system won't let you use the same URL-friendly name twice, so you will have to delete the first one before saving the second. (Not that I've already done something like this... :)
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Yeah though since my DM is not exactly computer savvy, often I have been using the number references since he didn't set up any of the URL-friendly ones.

    I'm still trying to figure out why I can edit some NPCs but not all.... :X
  • MightyRocket
    Posts: 3
    If not allowing multiple GMs, how about allowing assignment of a GM? The current GM of a game would be able to switch GM status to an individual player or "hand over the reigns" so to speak.

    For instance, I created a campaign but am not the GM. Once the person who is the GM creates an account and "joins" my game, I can assign him a GM and which time I am no longer GM. The only affect this has, really, is changing who can see GM only notes. (Also, only the current GM can re-assign GM status.)

    What say you?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    bq. If not allowing multiple GMs, how about allowing assignment of a GM? The current GM of a game would be able to switch GM status to an individual player or “hand over the reigns” so to speak.

    This should be possible in the edit party menu. You can promote another player to GM.
  • MightyRocket
    Posts: 3
    Awesome. Thanks, Micah.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
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