Forum Etiquette Guidelines

edited July 2010 in General Discussion
Hail Adventurers,

What we love about our forums is that it sort of takes care of itself. It's like one of those self-contained ecosystems with the algae and the snails, and the rocks, and shrimp, and little plants. Micah, Ryan, and myself like to look in from time to time and see what's going on. On my last trip through I realized that we had not really given the forums the attention it rightfully deserves in quite some time. So we're making some changes to fix that. This post is part of that fix'em up process. **This post is about Forum Etiquette Guidelines.**

Now, to my knowledge, we've never had a problem with folks being consistantly rude on the forums. The worst it gets is the 3.5 vs. 4e slapfights that kinda sit at a slow burn for months. Like a tire fire. We're ok with heated discussion, so long as nobody claims to have hard scientific evidence about the girth of someone else's promiscuous mother. Anyway, here are the rules:



  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Frank, I've seen it before. Not here (I don't think) but over at I've seen people that registered 30 or more names, just to troll. Not sane at all.
  • Vandor
    Posts: 31
    I've seen that on WOTC and Neverwinter Nights / Bioware forums. Many times.
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