Dynamic Character Sheets for Popular Systems



  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited August 2010
    I'd like to do a sheet for DWAITAS - is the devkit still recommended as a starting point?

    On a side note I've already created an XML sheet for DWAITAS. You can see it here-
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • oakfellow
    Posts: 1
    I know you aren't really working on the DST system right now, but I was wondering if it's ok to post alternate sheets for the 'popular' systems yet? I've been working adding some back-end calculations to ChainsawXIV's dd4e sheet (just copying values, adding 1/2 level where appropriate and totaling pluses), as well as a method for importing a WoTC Character Builder summary directly into the sheet.

    Is it ok to add a new dd4e sheet, or would it be possible for ChainsawXIV to take a look at my javascript and decide if he wants to use them in his base sheet? DD4E is just so numbers heavy, I know that from my end anything that speeds up entering character info would be welcome...
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited September 2010
    Hey Oakfellow. Send it my way and I'll be happy to take a look at it and roll it into my sheet. No sense in creating multiple sheets just to add functionality to the ones we have. Drop me a PM.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    These are looking awesome! I am really excited that OP is letting users contribute to this new feature; to me it speaks to the essence of this website, where the users really do make it what it is. Thanks to all the volunteers who are working to make this place even cooler. :)
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Is anyone actively working on a D&D 3.5 one? I thought that it'd be one of the first to be busted out but it hasn't. Makes me wish I wer smrt enuf to program them thar sheetz >.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    malfunction84 has one in the list of DSTs - is that not yet submitted?
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Doesn't seem to be. Says that there isn't one when I try to edit or create a new character. Guess it still hasn't been approved?
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    I have also been looking for a 3.5 character DST. Hopefully one will be announced soon, but until then, we soldier on, undeterred into that amorphous cloud of jumbled text and simple coding language........

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  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    On a side note, I may work on a Starblazer sheet for the FATE system in the near future (depending on whether I can get the GM to start using OP or not)
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    I've already completed a Changeling: the Dreaming sheet (its in the World of Darkness set if anyone is interested). I'll try to tackle the D&D 3.5 sometime in the next few days (will probably be Wednesday before I am able since I'll be gaming for the next two days. I'll post here when I have something available. I doubt it will be as wonderful and pretty and Chainsaw's but I can give it a try.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I will love you forever if you do. If you need any graphics or anything let me know and I'll do my best. I don't know how the dcs's work from a coding standpoint, but given a little time I can do graphics.
  • DancingMonkey
    Posts: 1
    Is a Pathfinder sheet in the works at all? Or has everyone that offered to do them in the past kinda fluffed out?
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    Is there a problem with the character sheets? I was trying to test out the last draft of the 3.5 I've been working on and nothing is saving. So on a whim I went to my main campaign and tried to make a new character and even on the dst that I know works because I have other characters with it, doesn't work.

    Basically it applies the character sheet. It lets me edit it and shows the edits in the edit screen. However, as soon as I hit save, it brings me to a blank character sheet (plus name, campaign, and player).

    Anyone else having problems with their sheets or is it just me?
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Has the sheet been submitted and approved? Otherwise you're only seeing the "editor's version" which lets you view your new sheet, but doesn't otherwise interact with OP.
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37 edited November 2010
    Okay, let me try to explain a bit better.

    I have previously created, submitted and been approved for the C:tD sheet I made. I know that it works and is functional because I've been using it for a couple weeks now with no problems.

    For the last few days, I've been working on a D&D 3.5e sheet because there seems to be a demand for it and well, the other campaign I'm in uses 3.5 so it made sense to me. I have been checking the appearance and line up of the tables with a test character I created with the 3.5 sheet about a week ago. It has very little in it, but I did put in the str, con, int, etc and mods just to see if the skills section was coded right and would transfer it all over to the right places. When I did that, several days ago, it worked. That same sheet still holds those edits from several days go.

    Fast forward to today. I've finally gotten the sheet completed, coded as I think it should be, and ready to go. All that's left is to make a few characters to test all the fields and make sure it works correctly. I've tried to make new characters on 2 different 3.5 campaigns (a test campaign and the one I'm apart of with another GM) neither will hold any edits. It won't even make edits on the sheet I created several days ago. If I change the str from 14 to 16, it will still load as 14.

    So on a whim, I tried to create a new character in the C:tD campaign I run. Completely new campaign. Entirely separate character sheet. It will also not hold any edits. It will create the character. It will show that a character sheet has been applied to the character. However, it will not save any edits (or filling in of the fields as it were).

    So, two different character sheets over 3 different campaigns aren't holding edits. Yes, I understand that I'm looking at the editor's version, but it has held edits in the past.
    Post edited by Takissis on
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    It could be my fault. We made a bunch of backend changes to characters and there's a chance I broke something. I'll look into it and see what I can figure out.
  • OPAdmin
    Posts: 53
    Just deployed a fix. Try it again and see if it's working.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Just deployed a fix. Try it now and see if it's working.
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    Sorry for the delayed response. Yes, it works now. Thank you very much for your help.
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    Okay, people. My D&D 3.5e sheet has been submitted. Once it gets approved, I'll let everyone know. It doesn't have any bells or whistles. It can't add the columns for you. All it really does is have data fields for you to fill in. The only exception is if the field is an ability mod, it will pull those over from the first entry.

    Anyway, its not as pretty or snazzy as Chainsaw's, but its done. Once its available, let me know if I missed anything or if something needs to be fixed please.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Thank you so much Takissis! I've been waiting foreverrrrrr for one lol.
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    The sheet has been approved. (Thanks Micah!) Please take a look, those that use 3.5 and let me know if there is anything that doesn't work or should be different. I did test it on a few characters, but I'm bound to have missed something.
  • valkyr19
    Posts: 2
    Name, Campaign & Player boxes aren't letting me edit...maybe it's just me?
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    Those will update automatically based on what name you enter in the field below (the required field for name), the campaign you are creating the sheet in, and the player that is making the sheet. If the GM is making an NPC, it won't list a player.
  • valkyr19
    Posts: 2
    I got it now...it wasn't doing it at first, but I refreshed and went back through them; now it's fine. (sorry lol)
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Hey Takissis, just wanted to let you know that it seems if I try to change anything in the crunch and fluff it doesn't save or transfer back over to the bottom of your sheet, just reverts back to the original save. That's the only thing I saw that didn't seem to work. Other than that, it's awesome. I especially like that you included spell information. Thanks for busting this out!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894 edited November 2010
    Description (crunch) doesn't save on ay dynamic sheet. Bio (fluff) should save normally. It worked for me the last time I checked. We should make this clearer, I suppose.

    Note! You have to edit the Bio down below in the regular fields, not on the DST itself.
    Post edited by Micah on
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209 edited November 2010
    Yeah. On the crunch I was trying to just clear the previous information. Maybe it's just not working for me, but I was trying to change it in the bio field and not on the DST. Actually, I don't think the DST gave the option to change that text. I'm using chrome.

    Edit: I was also doing it on a previously existing character. I figured that might be where I went wrong as well. Something rings in my head from previous posts about that being a problem. I could be high, though.
    Post edited by vstraydogstrutv on
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    A problem I've just noticed with DSTs is that the variables currently aren't exported when you backup your campaign. So - something to keep in mind.
  • DavidHealy
    Posts: 1
    I would very much like to see New World of Darkness character sheets, though I realize that would be a fairly large undertaking. I would be interested in learning how to do it, if there's a tutorial somewhere.
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