Submission for December Featured campaign

edited December 2010 in Campaign Submissions
This wiki might not have the bling of other wikis, and though FotM tends to favor those that show what can be done with the tool OP, I would like to nominate one for it's contents

I browsed alot of campaign in my three years as a OP member. I've seen how the visual level has gone up and up.

I also read a lot of wikis. But none have a more compelling thrilling an well written Adventure Log than "Honour Among Thieves":

If you are even the slightest into Firefly, or any Rag-Tag Sci-fi campaign, be it Gritty Star Wars, BSG or home brew, there are hours of great reading material in Brandon Sweets novelistic adventure logs! The plots are great, the players brilliant and the writing amazing!

Thus nominated... for contents!



  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Cool! I LOVE Firefly, and I am always looking for a good storyline to read. I will definitely have to check out this campaign. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm really glad to see other members of the Portal stepping up to nominate campaigns.

  • templeorder
    Posts: 18
    Its not got a lot of fancy pictures, but my own Dunstrand Rising is pretty fair... thought its not written as a story.
  • amerigoV
    Posts: 9
    Have you featured a campaign that is Play by Post? I found the combo of the Forums, the Wiki, and the Log to be perfect.

    I'll pony up one short campaign that I ran and would not be offended if you found a better PbP to feature.
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    I'd like to throw my hat back into this arena. My site is definitely not as polished or shiny as some of the other excellent work that's been featured, but it is pretty large and getting larger every single day!
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I have two suggestions.

    "Vladimiravitch's Ballad of the Deep":


    "Deadseid's & Anev's The Land of Corra":
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    I'm with Dusk on Land of Corra if this is an "offical" nomination. I accidentally came across it and is something that other sites should aspire towards (other than those that have recently taken down the prize)
  • Dyluth
    Posts: 92
    I'll definitely throw my hat behind "Honor Among Thieves". I love scoundrel based adventures and I love sci-fi adventures, making this Firefly setting a perfect winning combination!!
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