My 10th Level Players Fought a Tarrasque...

edited December 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Well, It's my first time as a DM and I am running a campaign in Eberron. My players went to Xen'drik and I told them they saw a Tarrasque. I wasn't intending for them to fight it, as I though they would be smart enough to realize that they couldn't possibly win. However, I was wrong. Even though the Tarrasque was there only as part of narrative and a side story, they ran towards it and attacked it. They managed to get away but one of them died. The others revived him a few hours later but he lost all his magic items and other possessions and they're all a bit depressed. Do you think it was my fault? I mean, if you were level 10 and knew that a Tarrasque is 30th, would you go and attack it? And what do you think I should do with that player's character now that he lost all his items? Please, I really don't know what to do.


  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Well, it depends, have you set a precedent before in your games for using things that were beyond your players' ken, and offering them assistance to make it possible, or are you more the DM that runs a world where "the players are powerful, but there is always something MORE powerful." If the former, then you may have caught them by surprise, and perhaps a ritual to summon their equipment back to them could be garnered, and if the latter, then the players were foolish enough to challenge godzilla head-on. They should be glad they're all still alive (thanks to the raise dead). Basically, it all depends on what sort of game you've run up until this point.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited December 2010
    Funniest... thread-name... ever.

    First time DM's and the Tarrasque... I tell you...


    If I was you, oldmanofdoom, I would hold firm to the status quo, and allow them to chalk it up to a lesson well learned. If they aren't more careful, worse things can happen than the loss of a few items.
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Truth to what has been spoken before!

    So some 10th level characters walked into a bar with a Tarrasque...

    I agree with Dusk, with one caveat - Are the players truly aware of what a Tarrasque is? If they are, then it makes a poignant statement about their commitment to character - they might have been feeling a bit on-top-of-the-worldish, and this knocked them down quite a few pegs (Almost into the negatives, it sounds like..) If not, I'd be more lenient in cutting them a break. You could magick all of their items back for a fee, or you could make the next adventure something which could allow them to re-equip the disenfranchised character somewhat easily.

    The thing to be careful with about unstoppable forces - the Characters ego's seem like immovable objects, and they're always keen to test themselves...

    Lesson well learned indeed.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Does this party have a patron or other potential benefactor? Someone who could hear their tale of woe, regard them with a twinkle in his eye, and say something like "Oh, come now, did you really begin to believe that just because you have chosen to be heroes, that *everything* you encountered would be something you could defeat? That way lies corruption, my friends."

    Anyway, thinking patron/benefactor might have some "loaner gear" that is useful but not optimized for that character, and is definitely not perfect replacements. The party would have to leave something of significant value as a deposit for those goods, but then the next thing patron wants them to do would at least re-instate the most useful of the lost items, either by chance or by design ("I'd not thought it worth your attention since you already had something as powerful, but there is rumor of a treasure in the Catacombs...").
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Crap, you know, I didn't even consider... did they know what the Tarrasque was? I take it for granted that everyone does, which kind of makes me a bit of a moron, frankly.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890 edited December 2010
    It's okay - I only know of the Tarrasque as a Hand of He Whom Smites You kind of thing - nothing of what it's capable of :) And Don't call me Frankly! :P
    Post edited by RaseCidraen on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    Hi, I'm Crap Frankly, Esq.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Crap Frankly, eh? That seems awfully close to my name... Frankly Crappy, III.
  • oldmanofdoom
    Posts: 12
    They DO know what a Tarrasque is. They are on are on Xen'drik on behalf of Morgrave University, so I guess they could get some help, even though they are evil. The only problem is, it'll be long before they return. Anyway, I always give them useful items during quests so it should be rather easy for them to adapt to the situation. Besides, they are feeling a bit better now that a few days have passed and I'm a bit less worried, too. Thank you all for your help :)
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    ...and all I got was this bloody T-shirt.

    Someone had to make the joke!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Touche sir! I feel ashamed for not making it!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Gnunn: Yes! That MUST become a t-shirt!! hahahaha

    Rase: It's ok, you can't get 'em all.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    I remember my first time DMing... I giggled merrily as I unleashed the tarrasque on my world. Then I was upset when I realized how badly it hurt my world and its progress...

    Learned my lesson! Don't toy with unstoppable forces!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    No, it's better to toy with immovable objects. Players tend not to try to kill Yggdrasil, nor does it wreck your campaign. Unless you try to plant it on whatever Prime world they're on at the time...
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