Campaign Description Formatting

edited August 2007 in Bug Reports


  • Randolpho
    Posts: 27
    When I created a campaign, some of the basic formatting for the campaign description, specifically line breaks, were included on the display page. When I edited the campaign description, however, the formatting was not applied.

    I don't know if this counts as a bug or a feature request, but I had to pick a forum and this is the one I picked. Either way, it'd be super-swell if I could apply Textile formatting to the campaign description.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I'll look into it. It shouldn't be too hard to do, but might end up looking funny. Trying to style up the text in that little sidebar could be a challenge (for you, the editor).
  • Randolpho
    Posts: 27
    Cool, thanks!
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