
edited December 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello people, new to OP here. I'm 29, love role-playing games from a bronze age setting all the way to post apocalyptic settings, and hoping to find some games I can join. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so PbP or Online campaigns are going to be what I am looking for.


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Greeting Shades of Grey!

    In case you don't know already, you can check this "compendium of PbP and Online games":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/compendium-of-pbp-on-line-campaigns or use the "Games nearby":http://www.obsidianportal.com/map tab on top of your screen when not in the forums, it will show you where people are gaming near you if you have put your address into OP.

    Welcome to the forums! :)
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    Where do you live? I am getting ready to start a fantasy campaign and if you are near North NJ this might work. Here is a link to my campaign. It is not finished, ahem, still in progress but you are welcome to peruse. http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/rise-and-fall-of-the-sharian-empire

  • shades_o_grey
    Posts: 2
    I'm down here in South Texas, in a little bitty town :D. If it's a PbP campaign, i'd be game for it.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    I don't know how to do those. I have never done that. I would not mind playing in one to start but I would definitely not know where to start with that.
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