seems to hang on opening

edited January 2008 in Bug Reports


  • outrider
    Posts: 46
    hi micah:

    Today I have been having problems with the site finishing opening. At the adventure log the description comes up but nothing else. I waited three minutes and it didnt finish opening. I closed out and tried to reenter the site with the same results. I tried clicking on campaigns, characters and items and have met with the same results. The problem seems to be getting worse in my opinion
  • Noshmek
    Posts: 9
    It is not limited to the adventure log, but to a number of pages. I am assuming it is your garden variety lag issues, but you know what they say about that.

    All in all, however, fantastic site, and I look forward to watching the site develop.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    It appears to be an issue with the Amazon Ad server. Thats where I was timing out at.
  • Noshmek
    Posts: 9
    And so it is... anything we can do about it?
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    I've had this issue since Saturday, actually- and yes, it always seems to time out at the Amazon ads.

    bq. And so it is… anything we can do about it?

    Other than reporting the bug, probably not.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Yep, Amazon ad server was dead or something.

    There may be a way for us to force everything else to render first (so you see everything) then try to pull the ad from Amazon. However, since it's a very infrequent issue (I can't remember it every happening before), we'll probably just do nothing :)

    If it becomes a recurring problem, we'll see what we can do.

    Thanks for the report!
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    The Amazon Ad server is f'ed up again. Can we shoot it now?
  • Jason
    Posts: 21
    I keep having this problem. You could put the ads last, and then use some CSS positioning to put it into place, that way it will only load after everything else. That's how I handle it on my blog.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Jason: If we get a chance, we'll try moving them like you say. They're already positioned using CSS. We're all about CSS here!
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