Pathfinder: a fantasy game, once/month one day on a weekend

edited December 2010 in Player Lounge
I have been playing and running various games for over 20 years. Not only table top but LARPs as well. Great attention to detail and combat. Pretty damn creative.

I am looking for 3 to 5 more player for a home brew campaign. I would prefer players to be mature, ahem, over 21+.

About the game: I will be using the Pathfinder system. I run the game more as a story teller than a DM. The world is my own. I do not in general force players into "modules" rather prefer them getting into trouble on their own. I set the stage, do a phenomenal job playing multiple NPC for all to interact with. The game is about playing roles/personalities of your characters. Which means that what you create should at least have a personality. I keep very tight reins on Magic Use. Starting alignment is irrelevant, I can make anything jive. PCs should not be afraid of having characters killed. It happens, deal with it. Its a game.

The game will consist of only about 1/3 combat. The rest will be investigations, and PC and NPC interactions and plot lines. If you are interested and want to pre-make a character or are just curious about the setting go to
and check out the home, wiki, items and comments tabs. I've spent several hours writing up and detailing the land.

We now have 3 players and would like 3 more. The game will run once (1) per month on a weekend. We are generating characters and backgrounds at this time. I am not sure about location. If you find the campaign on the obsidian portal the location is a general/non-specific location intended to bring in players from Manhattan, Rockland and Norther NJ, but I think we can find some place in the middle where no one will mind and where we can play.


PS: please post questions or message me.


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited December 2010
    Edit: Oddly enough, in re-reading my own post, I believe I came off a bit less helpful as I meant to.

    Here, in a nutshell, was my point:

    Gancis, you seem like you are a really great guy, a talented and devoted DM, and the kind of person I could see myself playing D&D with. That having been said, I think the tone of your original post might be a bit intimidating to some players, and that might limit the number of interested players leaping at the chance to play in your game.

    Then again, as it has been rightly pointed out, that may have been your intention. It sounded to me like you've been burned by one-too-many immature players who can't handle the idea of character death, or have little respect for your contributions to the game world. I can understand those concerns. In fact, I've recently had to contend with just such an issue.

    However, I think if you are looking for players, you may be better off using the carrot before resorting to the stick. I used "honey" and "vinegar" previously, but the logic is sound.

    Again, in my original post, I may have come off a bit negative against you. I meant no offense. I was merely offering a bit of constructive advice.

    I hope you find your players soon. I checked out your wiki, and the stuff you have on your Items page is quite intriguing!

    - Duskreign
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • TheSouljourner
    Posts: 22
    I don't know, sounded fine to me. he's just describing the kind of game he runs. In some games, PCs die every once in a while, in some they die all the time, and in some they almost never die. It's a flavor thing, and he's just giving players fair warning.

    The rest is about how much roleplaying vs. fighting there will be, which is an important consideration. If you want a hack and slash game, this is not it.

    *shrug* I guess I didn't see it as demanding. The game is what the game is.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited December 2010
    Like I said, I am not picking a fight. Honestly, Gancis's game sounds like it's going to be great, and he seems like he's going to be a great person to play with. However, in a thread devoted to finding players, I think some of his wording might be intimidating to some players. That might have been the point, though.

    Again, I meant no offense. I hope Gancis finds his remaining 3 players soon, and they have a great time playing it. I contend, though, that the way his post is worded might give some people the wrong impression.

    I re-read my post and, ironically, I am coming off too negative in it. I'm editing it now to reflect what I really meant to say. Thanks!
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    I am not sure if I intended it to be intimidating. I have had too many players whining about rules and being 38 the younger crowd tend to do what I did at their age. Namely, argue about everything. Explaining that its a role playing game and not a card or a chess game has become less entertaining for me and a chore. I just want to eliminate that group.

    I don't go out slaughtering PCs intentionally and I don't stop PCs killing each other I want to run this game like a story teller not necessarily DM and I want players who are interesting in immersing themselves in what I created. The world I made moderated by the players and their playing style. I don't require a lot of players, 3 to 5 solid steady gamers would be perfect.

    To add to the age criteria reasoning, I sometimes host the game in TGIF, Benigans, Chili's or a similar establishment and occasionally enjoy a beer or a scotch during the sessions. Having 17 year olds, driving them and dealing with their parents just opens up a whole new can of worms I don't want to deal with.

    All this just may sound critical or negative, its just what I would like.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    No, not at all.

    Wow. D&D at TGIF. I must do that.

    I can relate when it comes to the age difference. I am 33 and my players range in age from 33 all the way down to 18 (16, actually, when he first joined the group).
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    Yes I usually tip well and they let me sit for a long time in an obscure corner.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Considering the sheer number of props I tend to use, there would be no room for food or drinks. And that won't do. Because I need food and drinks.

    But interesting, nonetheless.

    In a few years, my wife and I are planning to go on a cruise, and we are hoping to get some gamers to go with us. There are so many cool places on a cruise ship to play D&D. Sorry, but now this thread is about cool places to play.

    No, but seriously, people, consider playing in Gancis's campaign, and ignore my nonsense.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    If you are looking for cool gaming environment for a fantasy setting try Wurzburg, Germany. A castle on a cliff, a moat, skeletal bishop priests on a stone bridge, Litters of black beer and wiener schnitzel. The castle is not watched at night and well lit run around all you like.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Holeeeee crap yes.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    That's absolutely phenomenal! D&D in a D&D inspiring landscape is fun!

    ...also, So are Cruises. Days at Sea could not be better spent than with Dee and Dee.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    All right, I see people's point. I was called a Role Playing Nazi aka RPN today. Pooled together with those that ONLY want to role play. Not that there is anything wrong with that either but I guess what I meant in my ad was ... 1/3 plot, 1/3 role play, 1/3 combat + 1/10 alcohol. Yes it is 110%.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
  • gripnick
    Posts: 3

    I think that you are spot on about the age thing. There's just something wrong with a 30+ year old man playing a RPG with minors who he doesn't know. I know my kids wouldn't be allowed to play! I'd love to play, but I live too far away.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    Thanks, it's just a preference anyway.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    All right, the first session is in January. We are solidifying the weekend details sometime by the end of the week, We can use a couple of more players.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    I'm looking for the first session to be on one of these days in January. 15,16,29,30. Prefer the 15th.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    2 spots left and rule books are provided for all.
  • gancis
    Posts: 18
    1 spot left, playing in Manhattan in the east village area. Books are provided if needed.
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