4E Online Campaign Looking for Players [Closed]

edited December 2010 in Player Lounge
Hey, we are recruiting for a new campaign that I will be DMing. Here is the link to the campaign's page:


-It will be a 4th edition campaign, which focuses on giving an explanation as to why there is no magic on the earth that we inhabit. Please note this is a purely fantasy driven world. It shares similarities in that the world is named New Earth, and is the same planet but our civilization is long gone. Magic has flourished in our absence, and the world was recreated. The story is further fleshed out on the campaing page, so please don't fret, head over there!

-This campaign will be online. I'm a big tabletop gamer, so I don't think I will be using Maptool or OpenRPG unless someone can do some serious teaching quick. Which brings me to a sidenote, this isn't a group you will sign up for and wait awhile to get started. Once I have the required amount of players we will be starting fairly quickly and hit the ground running. But once again we will be using a chat client such as Skype or MSN messenger which allows voicechat. At the beginning of each round I intend to post an image of the map for all to see, with everyone's positions. I'm hoping this isn't a deterrent to some, but I really want to keep this as simple as possible so that besides a chat client, the only program you will need is a browser to view the campaign page.

-The class restrictions are fairly simple and are on the wiki. As of now only two classes are prohibited for plot reasons. (If someone were to create a character with an incredible story that works well with the plot, I'd accept anything really).

-And we tentatively have one player who is looking to be a defender, let's try to fill all of the roles!

-You may email me VIA the email account I set up directly for the campaign: [email protected]


  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    I'll just post here to get this to the top again....hopefully some people will get a chance to read this, this will be a great campaign!
  • erwin
    Posts: 58
    I'd be down to look into this, William.

    Most likely after Christmas and New Years though, if you still got room...

    Happy Holidays.
  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    Sounds good, we have some players but are still working scheduling so the party is tentative. Keep in touch past the new year!
  • Malive
    Posts: 5
    Hi I would love to play I will email you to see if you still have open spots. My email is [email protected]
  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    Hey Malive, I already replied to your email. Sorry but we're pretty full, though like I said I'd be willing to play as a PC if you find another group that needs one.
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