D&D 4e online

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
Hi my name is Shawn. I'm new to D&D never played a game before but kinda know how to play from youtube and reading. I'm a fast learner. I'm looking for a online game and voice chat if anyone has a open group or is starting one I can join will you please let me know.
You can email me at [email protected]


  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    Hey Malive sometimes I find it's more attractive for other players to jump in when they see support from others. So I'll just put it out there that I'd be willing to play in this game if we find a DM and the scheduling fits with my other games. I'm currently DMing an online campaign, so I can offer some advice in the ways of running if need be. Other than that I'm always looking for more opportunities to play as a PC.
  • Malive
    Posts: 5
    Ok cool sounds good thanks.
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