Dm and members.

edited January 2011 in Player Lounge
Hay me and a friend are looking for an im based campaign. We would like a very flexible dm that is ok with level adjusted characters. I am looking to play a halfling/shade rough, and my friend is playing a human bard. Hope to hear from any one interested soon.


  • BenDover
    Posts: 2
    I have never done an im game before, but i am willing to try. hit me up!
  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    I'd like to play, though I'd prefer not to DM.
  • reevehill
    Posts: 3
    ok well do you have skype and here is the two sheets of me and my friend. Me My friend
  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    Yea I have skype. I have a paladin that I want to play. We just need a DM now.
  • reevehill
    Posts: 3
    agreed and i just asking but would you all mind starting at level one? i ask as i know some dm's want to raise ever every one else as if you look at my character i am a level adjusted race. If you have never played with one before it kinda is easy to do play with as they just level much slower then every one. so for the first few levels it will be kinda unfair but once you guys get 2 or more levels it is more a down side for me. Oh and KagaKitsune is my Skype so just add me if you want to play and say you are from here.
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