Import Characters from DDI

edited February 2011 in Feature Requests
It would be really nice to be able to import the character file (*.dnd4e) from DDI's character builder into Obsidian Portal and have it displayed using a DST. The DDI character builder is really great for generating characters and keeping their stats up to date and I'd rather not have to update values in two different places. I would pay the subscription cost for this feature alone.


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    This would be a great feature to have, I agree. It should even be possible through the API. I'm not at all sure when I might find the time to actually write the feature though. If anyone else wants to set this up, you're welcome to take a crack at it, and I'd be happy to provide information about the DST setup.
  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18
    You can also export it as a PDF file, so even just allowing us to upload the PDF version of our DDI character sheets would be great. Love the suggestion, though I'm sure OP staff has already thought of this already. Hopefully we will see it in the near future.
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23
    iPlay4e has already written a tool that has done this. Maybe OP's team can talk to iPlay4e and work something out. It would be a great feature.

    "Return of the Lich Queen":
  • EdenB
    Posts: 6
    I found a site called Orokos ( that does this. For now I'm linking to the imported character sheets over there, which isn't a bad solution at all. In time it would be nice to have the option to include the character sheets on OP. However I think they should be on a sub-page or different tab within that character's main page, otherwise things will just be jumbled looking.
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