PAX East!?!

edited March 2011 in General Discussion
Hey Everyone!

I'm just wondering if we can get some more information and hoosie whatsits about who might be available to meet up at the infamous PAX!

I'll be there on Sunday with my Fiancee, and if any of you all would fancy a meetup to whatever end, I'm more than game for it. I relish the chance! (I have no idea where I'm bloody going to park, but that's a different matter altogether. I'm an old school Bostonian - I'll manage and/or probably take the T from far out.) I enjoy the fact that Boston is close for me to get to at more or less any time (I could commute to work there if I *really* wanted to, but It'd be a bear, and I'd have to wake up a bit early :( ) Any'oo, either PM me or post here - I'd love to get a feel with who's going to be there and how we might manage an OP get together/pictures, etc!


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I was going to try to talk my group into going Saturday but didn't realize that you could only go by getting tickets on line (what happened to tickets at the door?) and so Saturday is sold out. Then I was thinking I could maybe talk just one other person to going on Sunday, but I spent all afternoon at the bank yesterday and making phone calls because someone used my credit card info to charge $935 worth of stuff. So now my only card is canceled - plus I think all my buddies are broke.


    So, yeah, I'm 99% certain no PAX for me.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited March 2011
    RASE! We gotta meet up! Send me an e-mail and we'll exchange info!

    DM, I'd spot you a ticket for Sunday, buddy, but I don't know if they have any left. :( Hurry up and find out if they have any Sunday tickets available, and if they do, PM me and I'll hop on and buy it for you.

    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Sold out....

    That was a nice thought Dusk. :) Well, you and Rase have a great time and tell us all about it.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    DAMN! I was really stoked by the idea, was fishing out my credit card, and then blam! Sold out.

    I would suggest ebay or craigslist, but no way to guarantee you'd get your ticket in time.

    Next year, man. Next year.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Don't sweat it Dusk.

    I'm not sure I'll be in the area next year, with grad school coming up I may be moving a significant distance. Maybe we can make up for it sometime if I join Rase's campaign for a session or two as a guest roleplayer. My brother (or maybe my sister) got a webcam (I've only seen my brother use it but I'm thinking he said it was hers) so I might be able to talk my way into borrowing it for a night or two.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    DM, that's a super bummer. Once I sort my arse out and get DQoTW somewhere better than where it is now, I'd love to have you as a guest roleplayer!
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