Saving / Reusing a Wiki

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I've been putting in a lot of work into the wiki for my current scenario :)

But I dont want that to feel wasted... Ideally what I'd like is some way to export my whole wiki and import it into a new campaign - not using the same wiki, because its likely that I'd have to update it as well.

Any ideas or suggestions?


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    There is a campaign backup that you can download. I've never done this before so I'm not sure about the format. I'm not sure how you'd go about importing it into a new wiki though... This is a good question. I'm going to be watching this thread to see the results.

    Good luck!

  • MickyLevi
    Posts: 9
    I've had a try of the campaign backup...

    ...Not brilliant, and I dont really see how you can use it in any practical way.

    Essentially it just dumps everything into a single xml document. You'd still have to build a wiki, characters, adventure log, items, etc from scratch, but would just copy-paste each page from this xml i suppose.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I don't have an answer, so here's a question:

    What, to you, is the difference between "cloning" this wiki into another wiki, and re-using the current one?

    You've mentioned needing to update, but you'd still need to do that if you imported old data into a new wiki. What about your current wiki makes you want to leave it alone going forward?
  • PeterAdkison
    Posts: 3
    Where is this "campaign backup" feature on the site? I'm having trouble locating it.

    DarkMagus, you referred to it as a download, but I can't find a downloads section.


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Go to your campaigns home page. Then click the "edit Settings" button on the right in the Manage Campaign box. On this new page scroll aaaaaallll the way down and you'll see something that says Campaign Backup.

    Hope that helps,
  • PeterAdkison
    Posts: 3
    Thanks, DarkMagus. That totally worked.

    It's nice to have that feature. I have no desire to migrate to another wiki but I've put quite a bit of information up here on OP already and it's growing daily. It's comforting to know I have a copy on my own hard disk "just in case."

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