Submission for May Featured Campaign

edited April 2011 in Campaign Submissions
I'd like to put forward my campaign: The Wheel Turns for consideration for featured campaign in May.
We've only been playing a few weeks but the game is going well so far and the site and background is developing into some of my best work to date. I'd like to share it with everyone else.


  • Sommerset
    Posts: 32
    I have no clout on the site, but I'll go take a peek at your game. Take a look at mine, when you get a chance. Lodestar.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Nice crisp layout, Bathlarper! ...and Hi! (I haven't met you before).

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Bathlarper
    Posts: 41
    @twiggyleaf. Hey there, I've been on the site for a few years now. in fact I once started an exalted 1st ed campaign here that sort of fizzled out for lakc of time to update although the campaign ran on for a while after the site died. It wasn't anything like as elaborate as what I'm doing now thouhg. no graphics or anything.
    If you have any input for my current project then please PM me with it. I'm always open to advice and ideas from other GMs.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Here's a link to "The Wheel Turns": for everyone's convenience. I took a look and it looks pretty solid, but I'm just getting into the books so i didn't really read much in case something gets spoiled :P.
  • Bathlarper
    Posts: 41
    @gaaran Feel free to read the rest of the wiki. The point of my game is to see what happens with different characters in the same situation, not 'refight' the WoT series. That's why I made sure none of my players had read the books before I start.
    You should recognize a lot of the NPCs and locations from the books but after 3 sessions we're already enough off script that there shouldn't be any spoilers for those who haven't read the books yet.
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