Encounters on Obsidian Portal

edited May 2011 in General Discussion
Has anyone used Obsidian Portal for the DnD Encounters program?

I was looking to set it up for the store I am running at as a way to keep in touch with the regular players for the upcoming season.

Thoughts? Any reason why this would be a bad idea?

Thanks in advance for any help and feed back.



  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    My immediate reaction was "you wouldn't be posting adventure recaps, right?!" That just sounds like something that oughtn't to happen, though maybe it's my time in RPGA Living Greyhawk coloring my view there.

    That's the only thing I can think of where OP would be a bad move. Otherwise, the messaging system is a kind of nice way to keep your actual email address private from others in the group (I occasionally "converse" with Genesplicer via the message system and flatly would not be able to reach him any other way).
  • Topheratl
    Posts: 4
    Well... WoTC post a adventure recap every week on the official DnD Encounters page so that info is widely available for people to catch up on the "Story so far" as they like to say.

    I would have the user signe up and not have it be a public campaign. I am looking at this for the handfull of regulars we have that come to encounters every week. A place for them to comunicate and a place to find all the info about whats going on in the stores event if they miss a week.
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