Song of Fire and Ice PBP-Style Campaign

edited May 2011 in Player Lounge
'Allo, Portaters!

So I just wanted to see if there was any interest in a play-by-post or similar game using A Song of Ice and Fire RP from Green Ronin. I've never actually run a play-by-post game before, so I don't know all of the conventions, but here are the ideas I had:

*Variations on the Setting*

* Seven Kings - the game begins 100-200 years before the Targaryens arrive in Westeros, when the Seven Kingdoms were still divided. This would probably be the most difficult to run and play, as it would require considerable additional research and extrapolation.
* Recent Past - the game begins in the recent past, probably after the War of the Ninepenny Kings, but well before Robert's Rebellion. This would be relatively easy to play, although it would still require some research.
* Default Setting - well, more or less; the game begins shortly after the dust of Robert's Rebellion has settled, but some time before the books begin.
* Possible Future - the game begins after the War of the Five Kings and the events of the books to-date. I haven't actually finished the books yet, but I read pretty quickly when I'm motivated.
* Alternate World - the game takes place in an alternate version of Westeros with no characters mentioned in the books whatsoever.

*Gameplay Conventions*

* Standard PBP - Narrator sets a scene and Players take turns posting their actions in the forums, interspersed with Narrator description, commentary, and responses. Real time length of scenes TBD. Rolls are made by the GM, with the understanding that I pull no punches (That's what Destiny Points are for).
* Other options? I'm not sure what all different methods or formats people use, but this seemed like the most straightforward to me. Let me know if something else appeals to you.


* Standard rules - Players work together with the Narrator's guidance to create a noble house (or allied houses), and then make characters based on that/those house(s).
* Rules-lite - We/I modify the rules to a simpler version of themselves, with the main focus being on highlighting whatever aspects of gameplay are important to the players.


* Default - the house and its development is important, but mostly as a catalyst for PC development and adventuring.
* Character Development - As in, the characters are important to the exclusion of the house. Characters may or may not even be members of a house - they could just be adventuring in Westeros. I'm not as interested in running a game like this, unless the thought is that it might eventually change in focus to a more Default-style game.
* Game of Thrones - The house is most important, sometimes to the exclusion of individual characters. Probably works best if players control individual houses with stables of characters. Could easily become a competitive game (like, say, Birthright).

So...anyone interested?

Edit: Just noticed that my html didn't work. Looked up textile bullets (how did I forget those?) and fixed it.


  • MichaelSchultz
    Posts: 1
    I've never played a PBP game, myself. Still, I'd be interested in learning more about it. SIFRP is my game system of choice. I have another person who's interested as well.
    I've got a busy schedule, though, so I'd need to know more about how such a game is played before I could commit.

    My Preferences for such a game:

    Setting: Recent Past or Seven Kings
    Gameplay: Standard
    Rules: Standard
    Focus: Default or GoT
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited May 2011
    I'd say that one of the best places to get a picture of PBP is to check out some of the "PBP campaigns already in progress on the portal": I noticed Saga of Jaraah in particular seemed both active and well-put together, and looks like a great example of what I'm talking about.

    If you really want to get basic, you might look at this "Wikipedia article":, or this "random article I found": - the final notes at the bottom are a great summary of what I'm looking for in players.

    Essentially, though, here's what I'm looking to do:

    * Narrator sets the scene in 2-3 paragraphs, providing fairly (but not excessively) detailed descriptions of the environment, NPCs, and the situation at hand.
    * The PCs, in no particular order, but generally respecting the "post once and give everyone else a fair chance" rule, describe their characters actions and thoughts. Posts ought to be somewhere between a few sentences and a couple paragraphs. Any shorter, and we'll take quite a while to get anywhere. Any longer, and we'll be crowding each other.
    * Generally speaking, players will be free to take actions that incur no particular dramatic risk and that do not directly interfere with another player's chance to act/interrupt - a post might start an action that could affect another PC, but should not describe its result.
    * Players will have reasonable levels of control over unnamed NPCs (when haggling with a merchant, say), but if you want to talk to the Grand Maester, wait for me to respond. Abuses of this format are, of course, possible, and will be dealt with should they be repetitive or clearly intentional - I hope everyone agrees that it's not fun for others when people try to "win" this kind of game.
    * Rolls that need to be made are made by myself and results posted. NPCs and PCs respond/continue action as long as needed to resolve the scene.
    * Once the scene is resolved, we move on to the next relevant scene.

    Down time is largely a background affair, giving players a chance to develop more naturally, and fill in the details of the characters' lives outside of adventures, if they so desire. House actions complicate that a bit, but they're still simple enough, especially if they're not the main focus of the game.

    In terms of time commitment, it would likely vary depending on how often players are able to check in and post. I'd probably be checking in between 1-4 times a day, depending on my own schedule. If there was a semi-regular time when everyone was free, posting could be sped up dramatically (or even run through a group chat server).

    Boy that post grew quickly!
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey Johnny, I think I might be interested as well. However, I have not yet read the books. When are you looking to start this game? I would like to at least get started reading them first, so I avoid any spoilers. I'm also totally fine with any style of game, leaning towards roleplaying heavy for a PbP game.

    I spend most of my day on a computer, so I'd be able to make and check posts as often as needed :).
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited May 2011
    No worries on that note; while I highly recommend reading the books, because they're completely worth it, it's really not necessary to play in or enjoy the setting.

    A good bit of spoiler-free history is available "here":, although I'd be wary of the rest of the wiki if you are planning on reading the series. Anyway, the game would likely take place well prior to the books, because I hate messing with continuity and established characters like that. Much more fun to play with the bits of history that have been left open, imho.

    Once 2-3 players are ready to commit to some kind of posting schedule, I'll create a wiki and start a forum for house creation.

    Oh, and if you don't have access to the rulebook, I may be able to give you access through gdocs. Let's keep that on the down-low. Alternatively, "the pdf": is only $18.
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Sounds good, I have been meaning to read the books for a long time, maybe this will give me the motivation to do so. I got my own copy of the books (core rules and the campaign setting) so no worries there. Keep me posted, this sounds like fun :).
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Glad to hear it! I'll count you as PC numero uno then.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285

    I've been curious about this before when people were doing this kind of thing, so I'll ask you, I guess. How do you run a campaign in a world as politically heavy as this one prior to the events in the novels? Wouldn't you inevitably end up effecting something that takes place later, especially because bloodlines and family alliances are so important in a place like this?

    For the record, I too am somewhat interested in participating. I've read the first 3 of the books (I think) and am curious to see what you're attempting here.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited May 2011
    That's a good question, and there are a couple of ways to go about answering it.

    First, PCs generally start with a relatively minor house, so while you might make ripples in the fabric of the world, you're unlikely to tear it wide open.

    Second, it also depends on what time we place the game in. A Seven Kings game would likely have little effect on the storyline of the books, given that Aegon the Conqueror is on his way eventually. A recent past game is trickier, but the historical timeline from the books is full of hundred year gaps and unclear lineages. Lots of room to fudge, if we do it right.

    Third and finally, (and this is the one thing that makes me wary of playing a game based on novels) while the game world is based entirely in the world of the novels, it is not the same world. Think of it as an adjunct of the Many Worlds Interpretation, if you must - our world branches off from the original timeline at the point in which we enter it. Characters and events will often be very similar, but are not, in fact, the same. I doubt that I could portray Eddard Stark or Robert Baratheon in the exact same way as Mr. Martin does, and I'm not going to try to copy him precisely.

    Short answer: Yes, the players may well alter history and/or the future. Actually, I kind of hope you do - it'd be neat to theorize how things might have played out differently. Or to play through them differently, for that matter.

    Oh, good - you're actually ahead of me, I've only just started A Storm of Swords.


    I went ahead and threw up a "wiki": to get started figuring out people's posting schedules. I'll also add more specific information about the campaign there as things develop.
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • klynnschultz
    Posts: 3
    Hi. I'm the 'other person' mentioned by Michael. I am definitely interested in joining the game.

    My preferences are:

    Variations on the Setting

    * Seven Kings
    * Recent Past
    * Default Setting
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited May 2011
    Well, nice to hear from you, other...I mean, Katrina!

    Great - things are starting to shape up nicely, and I think we've probably got enough likely players to start working out scheduling. Toward that end, everybody head over to the "wiki": and let me know what your schedule looks like.


    Oh, yes, and here's a tally of preferences so far (I have added in some of my own votes; I only voted once in each category, but you can vote as many times as there are options):

    *Variations on the Setting*

    * Seven Kings - the game begins 100-200 years before the Targaryens arrive in Westeros, when the Seven Kingdoms were still divided. This would probably be the most difficult to run and play, as it would require considerable additional research and extrapolation. *2 Votes*
    * Recent Past - the game begins in the recent past, probably after the War of the Ninepenny Kings, but well before Robert's Rebellion. This would be relatively easy to play, although it would still require some research. *2 Votes*
    * Default Setting - well, more or less; the game begins shortly after the dust of Robert's Rebellion has settled, but some time before the books begin. *1 Vote*

    *Gameplay Conventions*

    * Standard PBP - Narrator sets a scene and Players take turns posting their actions in the forums, interspersed with Narrator description, commentary, and responses. Real time length of scenes TBD. Rolls are made by the GM, with the understanding that I pull no punches (That's what Destiny Points are for). *3 Votes*
    * Other options? I'm not sure what all different methods or formats people use, but this seemed like the most straightforward to me. Let me know if something else appeals to you.


    * Standard rules - Players work together with the Narrator's guidance to create a noble house (or allied houses), and then make characters based on that/those house(s). *3 Votes*
    * Rules-lite - We/I modify the rules to a simpler version of themselves, with the main focus being on highlighting whatever aspects of gameplay are important to the players.


    * Default - the house and its development is important, but mostly as a catalyst for PC development and adventuring. *3 Votes*
    * Character Development - As in, the characters are important to the exclusion of the house. Characters may or may not even be members of a house - they could just be adventuring in Westeros. I'm not as interested in running a game like this, unless the thought is that it might eventually change in focus to a more Default-style game. *1 Vote*
    * Game of Thrones - The house is most important, sometimes to the exclusion of individual characters. Probably works best if players control individual houses with stables of characters. Could easily become a competitive game (like, say, Birthright). *2 Votes*
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    "A Song of Ice and Fire PbP Campaign" is the name of the wiki? C'mon now :P. I put in one vote to change it to something more fun before we are too invested in the wiki :P.

    On a slightly more serious note, Glad to hear that things are shaping up here, I suppose I can put in my votes.

    * Setting: Anything that isn't too spoiler heavy is fine with me (although I bought the first two books today to get going on reading them, and if I can stay ahead, then any setting is fine).
    * Gameplay: Standard PbP sounds good, but I'm available for chat sessions and such too, if people are interested.
    * Rules: Standard Rules, the idea of all starting in a single house, or group of allied houses sounds cool.
    * Focus: Default. I'm all for the political game becoming a major focus, but not at the exclusion of my character. I'm not wholly against the idea of the competitive idea of the Game of Thrones, but I prefer a co-operative game.

    Keep in mind that although these are my preferences, I am willing to play in any sort of game we wish, I'm very flexible.

    Beyond that, I'll see you guys on the campaign forums.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    I know, I know - I'll change it (and the tag line) as soon as we have a primary player house named. Suggestions are welcome!
  • Bohemond
    Posts: 2

    Is this campaign still accepting new players?
  • marcintingph
    Posts: 2
    I'm also interested. Is this campaign still alive?
  • jstrong77
    Posts: 1
    Is this game/campaign up and running?!?! I'd love to join if so!

    message me!
  • Ryno
    Posts: 1
    I'd be interested.

    Alternate, past, or present is what I'd find most appealing.
  • Sommerset
    Posts: 32
    Yay, more PBP campaigns! If I wasn't slammed with Lodestar, I might consider it. Have fun!
  • Vanawyx
    Posts: 6
    I'm game, if you'll have me.
    PM me if you've got spots open still :)
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Okay, apologies to those of you who asked about the game after May - I have not looked at this thread since then. The game has been in progress since then, and current membership has chosen not to add any new players at the present time. If any of you are interested in checking out the game, however, you'll find it here:

    "The Days and Nights of House Corinthyen":
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