Please avoid Knowledge Arcana!


  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    I'm sorry, guys, we ran into some hacker troubles. Apparently they got into the server and they're making all sorts of troubles. Just avoid the website for awhile, I don't want any of ya'll caught in the crossfire from it.

  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    Screw it. Management has told me to keep my mouth shut and stick to the story at large, but I'm not putting myself up for libel.

    Here's what I wanted to put up.

    Tyler Starke aka Adamx, our former assistant art director, and before that former art director, has chosen to trademark the Knowledge Arcana brand. Management is still discussing the best ways to oppose this. This has come after a series of issues that the management team and other members of the staff had with Mr. Starke about his attitude towards other staffers and his often abusive way of speaking with them. He was warned repeatedly about this behavior but only became more abusive, at which point our production manager banned him from our forums. An hour later, he posted this.

    If you still wish to contact the actual staff of Knowledge Arcana, our original forums can be found at
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    For whatever reasons, I'm having trouble viewing the thread. Could you give everyone the jist please? I was thinking of offering to let them use some of our art.

    Also, its not clear who authored the thread you're linking to- the production manager or Mr. Starke.
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    Mr. Starke authored the thread. It's been removed from the boards. In summary, he said that anyone other than him claiming to be from Knowledge Arcana was a liar and fraud (his words) and that he now owned the trademark on the name. He also stated that he would be using artwork and fiction submitted to the original KA to publish his own magazine, so if you submitted anything, please be aware that the original ToU no longer applies. I'll give updates as I can, I need to talk to management and find out what's going on. I've been away from the computer all day. In two weeks, I leave for Fort Worth and I didn't even realize how much stuff I had before I started packing.

    How do three people accumulate this much stuff? It's amazing!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521, one of those rare cases where being lazy truly pays off. I'm pretty sure I never sent off my short fic. =)

    ETA: And I've never had three peoples' worth of stuff to move, but two peoples' worth is still amazingly much.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Ouch! I hope this gets resolved without too much harm to all involved.

    Still, Internet disputes get nasty, and they are archived for all time. Make sure you don't say anything you'll regret!
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    I'm not saying anything, for the time being. This place has gotten more info than anywhere else. We're having our usual weekly meeting on Wednesday to discuss our unexpected opportunity.
    That's right. Opportunity. I know that it's a scary little corp buzzword, but we're taking it at face value and we're seriously considering pouncing it like a cat-girl with Pocky.
    I'll let ya'll know what happens as I know, but I probably won't know anything until late Wednesday. Now, if you'll excuse me, the motrin and benadryl have kicked in, and the baby's room won't get any less terrifying if I keep putting it off.
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    YAY! I'm finally back!

    The move is done, I'm finally settled in a place where I could get internet and phone hooked up, and the magazine is finally moving again, under a new name and with (thankfully) a much more professional staff. We're operating under the name Phoenix Lore, wholly owned by Penny Williams. We have Skip Williams BSing with us in our forums a bit. Excuse my fangirl glee over that. :D I love his stuff.

    If anyone would like to check out our new forums, they're at Feel free, but don't feel compelled. Our website should be up soon as well, something that I'm really excited about. I've looked at our new web designer's portfolio and I can't wait to see what she does with it.

    Anyhow, I have to catch up with some nasty email backlog. Take care, folks. :)
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