Player looking for 4e online game

edited May 2011 in Player Lounge
I'm pretty much looking for an online 4e D&D campaign using a virtual tabletop program. I'm just getting into 4e, but I'm learning fast. I don't have any specific requests about the campaign. PM me or post here if there's anyone with an open campaign.


  • williamdietsche
    Posts: 18 edited May 2011
    My campaign is looking for players. The OP can be found here

    We aren't using a virtual table, but we're using Google Doc's Cloud Based Application. It is super easy, and requires no download. The party is currently lacking a defender and a controller, but that is just a suggestion and you may play whatever you like.

    I also made a discussion for this already which can be found here:
    Post edited by williamdietsche on
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