Locking a character to GM-edits only?

edited June 2011 in Feature Requests
Is it possible to lock changes to a Dynamic Character sheet to a GM only? I like that we have them, and I'll use them for all the characters, however...it'd be nice if OP would allow us to lock the character sheet so that the GM is the only one who can make changes. In my group, the players sent me XP spends, and I can update the OP Dynamic Character sheet as the "master" sheet. Is this possible? Maybe a checkbox to make "GM Edit only"? When it's checked, a GM can only edit the character sheet, when it's cleared, the player (and GM can edit the character sheet).



  • whodo_voodoo
    Posts: 3
    Not 100% sure on this but I believe that if a character is marked as a PC then it can only be edited by the owner and the GM, so for your situation it would probably work to have all the PCs 'owned' by the GM as opposed to the respective players.
  • GunbunnyFuFu
    Posts: 6
    The only problem with that is that it shows the GM as playing all characters on the "Party" box on the campaign's home page. I'd prefer to give the players credit for playing, as they work hard to bring the game to life.
  • Feachador
    Posts: 15
    What I've decided to do is either use a google docs template, or print a character sheet to pdf, and host it on my own site, and just link to there, rather than use the one on the site. That way, I can keep track of it, and it allows me a little more flexibility.

    What I'd really like to see is the ability to upload sheets to the site. That would practically eliminate the need for new character sheet templates.
  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132 edited February 2012
    I like the idea a lot, but would see it expanded to all entries, not just the character sheets. It should be optional, and the GM should be able to set the default to locked or unlocked in the campaign options. That way there can be public material that can only be changed by the GM, which could come in handy.

    [EDIT]: by optional I had intended to mean a checkbox, but making it an optional feature of the campaign could be good too.
    Post edited by Beaumains on
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