Custom Tab Section

edited June 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I can't seem to figure out how to create a Custom Tab Bar (The horizontal bar that has HOME, ADVENTURE LOG, WIKI, ITEMS, CHARACTERS, Etc.)
Is there an easy code fix to this?


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    There is no Custom Tab Bar that allows you to do this (at least not yet). With a bit of Graphics work and some HTML though you can do this yourself, manually. I've got a little walk through on how I did it "here":

  • tpmiller08
    Posts: 30
    Thanks a bunch! I'm sure thats all I needed
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well, I must warn you, it is a little bit involved. But if you don't mind putting a some time into this project it can be very rewarding.

  • tpmiller08
    Posts: 30
    Its a bit wonky, but I'm getting a hang of it. I can't seem to get it to work in anywhere except the Home page and the Wiki Page. I pasted the code, but I'm sure there must be something I'm overlooking.

    Thanks so much for the help. Your page was very helpful as well!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    The sidebar ought to work on just about any page (except for the maps page), but be careful working with a custom tab bar on other pages; some of those pages have edit options at the top, rather than the bottom of the page, and if you accidentally cover over one of those with the new tab bar, good luck ever being able to edit the page again!
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Just add /edit to the end of any url that you can't find the edit button for. Trust me, that trick saved my bacon a few times! I wound up making a few invisible buttons on my pages to let me quickly edit my pages without exposing the page edit buttons.
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